According to Piers: the buzz about Ruby and Rails is the sound of “a bunch of Java programmers finally discovering how cool Perl is.” Which sounds about right to me :-)
Advanced Databases for Beginners
I have a new three hour tutorial called Advanced Databases for Beginners. There were two main reasons why I thought it would be useful to write it. I keep coming across databases that were designed by “professionals” who obviously have no idea about good database design practices I keep reading articles by the authors of… Continue reading Advanced Databases for Beginners
Astronauts Getting Younger
I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut. I still have vague memories of my parents waking me up in the the middle of the night to watch the Eagle land on the moon in 1969. And from then on I’ve known that some day I want to go into space. Astronauts have always been older… Continue reading Astronauts Getting Younger
Five Years On
Dave Gorman has an interesting story that neatly illustrates the way that the world has changed in the last five years. Whilst taking this picture of Battersea Power Station just after midnight on Saturday night, he was stopped and questioned by police under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Just for taking a photgraph. (via Bloggerheads)
Reasons Not To Work In Banking
Reasons Not To Work In Banking Another change in the office whilst I was away last week. This appearing on the inside of the toilet cubicle doors. Obviously I don’t want to go into detail, but let’s just say that it was definitely required.
Vox Blocked
I took a week off to go to Birmingham and when I got back to the office I found that had been added to the list of sites blocked by my current client’s corporate firewall. So someone somewhere in the organisation has decided that is a nasty timewasting site (like myspace) and not… Continue reading Vox Blocked
Tom Watson
Looks like Tom Watson has resigned from his post as a junior defence minister. You can read his full resignation letter here. He was named yesterday as one of the MPs who had signed a letter urging Tony Blair to clarify his plans about standing down as Labour Party leader. Tom was also one of… Continue reading Tom Watson
Mike has emailed me to point out which shows the top news stories from a number of different news outlets. Apparently he’s making use of the OPML files from my newsfeeds page. Nice to know some of my stuff is useful.
Spread the Good News
Stephen Green, national director of Christian Voice and all-round godbothering nutter and offence to all decent people has been arrested for handing out anti-gay leaflets at a gay festival. See, it’s news like this that makes me think that there just might be a god… (via MediaWatchWatch)
More Soap for Doctor Who
One of the things that I haven ‘t been too keen on in the new version of Doctor Who is the “soap opera” approach where we got to see altogether far too much about Rose Tyler’s mother, boyfriend and (dead) father. When they all got trapped in an paralled universe at the end of the… Continue reading More Soap for Doctor Who