Guardian Heresy

The Guardian potentially launches itself into controversy today by including a free wallchart which claims to illustrate the history of life on Earth. This blasphemous poster includes the ridiculous claim that there was life on Earth over 500 million years ago. This is clearly nonsense as any sane (and righteous) person knows that the Earth… Continue reading Guardian Heresy

Media Bias

A few different approaches to the same story. Let’s start with the BBC (who can be expected to be a little biased here): Hippos help revamp BBC One idents BBC One has unveiled its latest on-screen identity, complete with new logo and images for the channel. Segments between programmes from 7 October will feature kites,… Continue reading Media Bias

The God Delusion

Richard Dawkins’ new book, The God Delusion is published today and over the weekend the publicity machine started up. On Friday Dawkins was interviewed on Newnight. The interview will still be available from that site until tonight’s edition replaces it later today. The Newsnight site also has some extracts from the book and a discussion… Continue reading The God Delusion

Rock ‘n’ Roll

Rock ‘n’ Roll I forgot to mention this at the time, but a couple of weeks ago, we went to see Tom Stoppard’s latest play Rock ‘n’ Roll at the Duke of Yorks theatre. I’ve loved Stoppard’s work since I saw The Real Thing about twenty-five years ago and for a while I saw just… Continue reading Rock ‘n’ Roll

Doomsday Code Update

So it seems that currently, Sunday’s post about the Doomsday Code documentary is the top Google hit for “Doomsday Code“. Which is all very gratifying, but it does mean I’m attracting the nutters. Firstly I got an email from Niels last night assuring me that I’m completely wrong and that we are currently living in… Continue reading Doomsday Code Update

An Inconvenient Truth

I’ve just got back from seeing An Inconvenient Truth. It was a well-made and interesting film. but not as life-changing as other people seem to have found it. The film largely consists of a lecture about climate change that Al Gore has given many times (he says over a thousand) over the last few years.… Continue reading An Inconvenient Truth