The Richard Dawkins Foundation

Whilst reading the publicity that surrounds The God Delusion and now reading the book itself, one point that kept coming into my mind was that we really need some kind of organisation that can serve as a focal point for atheists and can campaign for more rational thought in public life. And it seems that… Continue reading The Richard Dawkins Foundation

Jack Straw and the Veil

Let’s look at what Jack Straw actually said. Yesterday he said that facial expression is an important part of communication and that therefore wearing a veil over your face makes it harder to communicate. He then said that for that reason he asks veiled women if they would mind removing their veil when they visit… Continue reading Jack Straw and the Veil

Contract Nonsense

This is really pissing me off. My current contract ended yesterday. The clients want to extend me for another six months. I’m happy to stay there for another six months. However, since I started there in April, the clients have outsourced the running of their temporary workers HR department to a third party. And that… Continue reading Contract Nonsense

London Transport Advice

Some advice for passengers on London Underground. When the tube breaks down and the announcements are telling you to use alternative routes, in the vast majority of cases you are better off staying where you are and waiting for the problem to be fixed. It seems to be standard operating procedure in these cases that… Continue reading London Transport Advice

Not Going to the Cinema

It rained today. I don’t mean in that usual London “oh, look it’s raining” kind of way. I mean in a “bloody hell, it’s really raining” kind of way. Torrential rain. But in twenty minute spurts that are separated by bright sunshine. We were caught in in whilst we were out for a walk this… Continue reading Not Going to the Cinema

Speak Slowly and be Loud Enough

I’ve just found this write-up of day one of the recent YAPC::Europe conference. It was written by someone who spent that afternoon in my Advanced Databases for Beginners talk. It sounds like he found the talk useful, but I particularly liked this line. Dave speaks indeed slowly and he’s loud enough I’d like to use… Continue reading Speak Slowly and be Loud Enough