Interesting story in today’s Times. Postman Roger Annies was getting tired of the amount of junk mail that he was delivering, so he decided to do something about it. He designed and delivered his own leaflets, full of advice on how to cut down on the amount of junk mail you recieve. But unfortunately, the… Continue reading Post Office Promotes Junk Mail
Bad Start To The Day
I’m not sure at what time of the night the fire alarm decided that its battery was too low and that it should really start beeping once a minute to remind us to change it. I do know that it was at 5:45am when the noise finally disturbed me enough that I woke up and… Continue reading Bad Start To The Day
Comment Spam Again
If you’ve tried to post a comment here over the last few days, you would have been disappointed. Over the weekend I came under another massive comment spam attack which brought my server to its knees. I was seeing a server load of over 300 (it should usually be less than 1). Even though I… Continue reading Comment Spam Again
“A Spin-Off Too Far”
Plans for a Doctor Who spin-off starring Billie Piper as Rose Tyler have been cancelled according to a story on the BBC. Plans for a Doctor Who spin-off show starring Billie Piper were scrapped at the last minute, series producer Russell T Davies has revealed. “It was actually commissioned by the controller of BBC One… Continue reading “A Spin-Off Too Far”
thirtysomething on More 4
This is why I love multi-channel TV. If you wait long enough everything gets repeated. I didn’t watch thirtysomething when it was first broadcast in the late 1980s (I was in a “I’m too cool to watch television” phase and didn’t even own a TV for a few years about then) but people whose opinion… Continue reading thirtysomething on More 4
Creationism Stupidity Spreading
According to a story in today’s Guardian, more than 30% of students in the UK say they believe in creationism or intelligent design. The piece makes for uncomfortable reading for anyone capable of rational thought. In a survey last month, more than 12% questioned preferred creationism – the idea God created us within the past… Continue reading Creationism Stupidity Spreading
Light Bloggage
I’ve just realised that it’s two weeks today that I go off to this year’s YAPC::Europe and I still have two talks to write – one of which is a three hour tutorial. So don’t expect much writing from me over the next couple of weeks. I’ll be far too busy working on other things.… Continue reading Light Bloggage
I’ve never really got on well with web-based todo lists. I’ve tried a number of them over the last couple of years and I always end up with a stagnating list and nothing much getting done. But I’m going to try again with Hiveminder. It looks like it might well pitched be at just about… Continue reading Hiveminder Goodies
I’m probably being very slow here, but I’ve recently discovered three useful tools that gives you. Your network – allows you to monitor the bookmarks of any users you want. You can also see which users are monitoring your bookmarks. Your inbox – gives you a list of all bookmarks that are published with… Continue reading Goodies
UFOs Over Balham
There were some strange and spooky goings on in the skies last week, prompting one observer to eerily predict “I think there is something out there.” Stunned witnesses described how gobsmacked crowds were drawn out onto the streets to watch two sets of unidentified shining bright orange lights fly perfectly in formation through the skies… Continue reading UFOs Over Balham