
As an experiment, I’ve made it so you need to be a registered user to comment on this blog. To comment, you’ll need a Typekey username. I really don’t want to do this as, for me, having random people commenting on entries is one of the great pleasures of running a blog. But the amount… Continue reading Comments

Categorised as blogging

Guilty Musical Pleasures

The BBC reports on Q Magazine’s list of “guilty pleasures” – those songs that you secretly love but would never admit to owning. So, go on, admit it. Which of their top ten is on your MP3 player? ELO – Livin’ Thing Boston – More Than A Feeling S Club 7 – Don’t Stop Movin’… Continue reading Guilty Musical Pleasures

Top Of The Pops

Top of the Pops So Top of the Pops finally finished on Sunday. It’ll be sadly missed. Though, of course, like everyone else I’ve discussed it with, I haven’t watched it for about twenty years. BBC Two celebrated on Sunday night with an evening of programmes (well, ok, two or three programmes) about the show.… Continue reading Top Of The Pops

The Play’s the Thing

Two Thousand Years Not sure why, but over the last few years we’ve got out of the habit of going to the theatre. So we’ve decided to do something about that. We have four trips to the theatre booked over the next few weeks. It all started off on Saturday when we went see Two… Continue reading The Play’s the Thing

Warning: Contains Language

Warning: Contains Mild Language UK film classifications have been getting silly over the last couple of years – ever since someone decided that the standard set of certificates didn’t contain enough information. So now, next to the actual certificates, posters will often have further descriptions of the content like “contains fantasy violence” or “contains one… Continue reading Warning: Contains Language

Reading Richard Littlejohn

I should really know better than to read Richard Littlejohn’s rants, but they were discussing this piece over on Daily Mail Watch so I was drawn in and now my blood is boiling. In this article, Littlejohn’s subject is the general ghastliness of Britain and how it’s driving many of its finest citizens (i.e. Daily… Continue reading Reading Richard Littlejohn

It’s (Not) The Real Thing

Interesting story in today’s Guardian about two women in Bristol who are trying to crack the secret recipe of Coca-Cola. The story includes the recipe for their current version which they reckon is pretty close. Interestingly, they’ve released their recipe under the GPL. It’s good to see the GPL moving out from its free software… Continue reading It’s (Not) The Real Thing