Love & Monsters Revisited

The success of this weekend’s Doctor Who story, “Blink“, has led to a number of comparisons with last season’s “doctor-light”[1] story, “Love and Monsters“. And I really don’t know why “Love and Monsters” comes off so badly in the comparison. It’s true that “Blink” is right up there as one of the best Doctor Who… Continue reading Love & Monsters Revisited

Dali and Film

Yesterday we went to the Dali and Film exhibition that is currently running at the Tate modern. Alongside many of his paintings they were showing a number of Dali’s experiments with film. Most people will know about Dali’s work with Buñuel[1] and the dream sequence from Hitchcock’s Spellbound but there’s plenty of his lesser-known work… Continue reading Dali and Film


I haven’t been very impressed with this season of Doctor Who so far. Gridlock was ok and the recent two-parter (“Human Nature” and “The Family of Blood”) had some very interesting ideas which were spoilt by a horribly mawkish ending – but other than that it’s all been rather disappointing. But last night’s episode, “Blink”,… Continue reading Blink

The Day The World Turned Day-Glo

The new London 2012 Olympics logo looks like a car-crash. Which is, I suppose, somewhat appropriate. I can only assume that this was done deliberately to make the 2012 Olympics a laughing stock. Hopefully someone from the IOC will see the logo, realise that we’re not taking this at all seriously and let some other… Continue reading The Day The World Turned Day-Glo

Categorised as life, london

Oh The Irony

From a recent BBC Have Your Say (as pointed out by spEak You’re bRanes). dont blame buisineeses for exploiting the cheap labour if the imigrants cant be bothered to learn english they have pnly themselves to blame ,in any country if you want to succeed then the first rule is to learn their langusge, every… Continue reading Oh The Irony

Categorised as life

Pop Quiz Answers

I’m really surprised that no-one got the first question. Wikipedia had all the information that you needed. Question 1 (the easy one): What connects Queen’s “Sheer Heart Attack”, Led Zeppelin’s “Houses of the Holy” and Emerson, Lake and Palmers “Brain Salad Surgery”? Notice that I didn’t say that I was talking about songs or albums.… Continue reading Pop Quiz Answers

Categorised as music