Pop Quiz

Because a conversation on IRC just reminded me of one of them, here are my two favourite pop quiz questions. Feel free to answer in the comments. People who were taking an interest in music in the 70s and 80s may have an advantage. Question 1 (the easy one): What connects Queen’s “Sheer Heart Attack”,… Continue reading Pop Quiz

Categorised as music

Creation “Museum” Opens

The Creation “Museum” in Kentucky finally opened its doors to the public yesterday. There are some photos here. It looks a real hoot. I’m almost tempted to go and take a closer look. It’s not, of course, a museum by any meaningful definition of the word. The Times article, unfortunately, has more than its fair… Continue reading Creation “Museum” Opens

Categorised as religion

BBC Programme Credits

I’m a bit behind here, but I was just catching up on some newsgroups[1] when I saw someone mention Charlie Brooker’s Guardian column from a couple of weeks ago. In it he points to the BBC’s latest guideline for the production of programme credits. Basically they are laying down a far stricter set of guidelines… Continue reading BBC Programme Credits

The Wrecking of British Science

Excellent article in today’s Guardian by Nobel laureate Harry Kroto. I was happy enough when he was making points like Thirty per cent of physics departments have either been closed or merged in the past five years. What is one to make of the deafening silence of ministers when, last year, the small Sussex chemistry… Continue reading The Wrecking of British Science

Categorised as education