Hack Day

So it seems I am cool enough to be invited to Hack Day. Looks like there’s an unofficial wiki for people to attempt to organise themselves before the day. There’s also some rather scary-looking small print to read. All we need to know now is – who is the mystery musical guest playing at the… Continue reading Hack Day

Categorised as tech


A couple of nights ago I watched Starter For 10 (entertaining enough, great 80s soundtrack, rather predictable plot). There was one actress in particular who I knew that I recognised, but I really couldn’t place her. I have that kind of mind. I know when I’ve seen someone before, but it can often take a… Continue reading Recognition


Following requests from a number[1] of readers, I’ve implemented OpenID for the authentication of commenters on this blog. That means you no longer need to authenticate using TypeKey (although that remains an option). It’s worth pointing out that LiveJournal users already have a OpenID account, just use the full URL of your LiveJournal blog (e.g.… Continue reading OpenID

Categorised as blogging

BBC vs the Scientologists

Of course I enjoyed last night’s Panorama about the Scientologists. John Sweeney’s screaming fit was a bit shocking, but I strongly suspect that I’d react in a similar way if I’ve been subject to the same kind of treatment that he had received. I’ve been interested in Scientology for a long time. Fifteen years ago… Continue reading BBC vs the Scientologists