My D70 arrived yesterday. What a lovely shiny toy. Seems to play well with all my old lenses too. Now I just need to work out what all the buttons do before setting off on holiday on Sunday.
Shambo Shambles
Just one thing I want to say about Shambo. Whilst I’m happy for people to believe whatever nonsense they want in the privacy of their own homes (or temples), belief in fairy stories (no matter how firmly held) cannot be allowed to stand in the way of public health considerations. Ramesh Kallidai, Secretary General of… Continue reading Shambo Shambles
Buying a Digital SLR (Part 2)
Problem solved. I’ve bought a second-hand Nikon D70 from Ebay. Current Mood: Happy (but poorer)
New Zealand
I mentioned yesterday that we’re off to New Zealand in ten days time. If anyone’s interested, here’s the itinerary (all dates in August): Sun 5th Leave UK Mon 6th Arrive Singapore Tue 7th Singapore Wed 8th Leave Singapore Thu 9th Arrive Christchurch Fri 10th Christchurch Sat 11th Christchurch to Queenstown Sun 12th Queenstown Mon 13th… Continue reading New Zealand
We Can Be Heroes
If you’re one of those desperately untrendy people who still watches television on the terrestrial channels, then you won’t yet have seen Heroes. All that can change tonight as BBC Two are showing the first two episodes starting tonight at 9pm. Heroes is great. I mean, yes, it’s comic-book superhero stuff. And, yes, it’s largely… Continue reading We Can Be Heroes
Buying a Digital SLR
I’m prevaricating on buying a digital SLR. I have been for over a year. I’m pretty sure I know what I want, but I’ve been prevaricating so long that it’s now become hard to get hold of. I’m pretty sure that I want a Nikon D50. I’m tied to Nikon because I have an old… Continue reading Buying a Digital SLR
Iain Dale on Rwanda
Top tory pundit Iain Dale was a bit busy on Sunday I am spending today helping commemorate the tenth anniversary of the end of the Rwandan genocide Bit of a shame that he’s three years too late for the tenth anniversary. Just remember the quality of his research the next time you read “facts” on… Continue reading Iain Dale on Rwanda
The BBC has a worrying report on levels of literacy in the UK Bedtime stories are proving a struggle for many parents who are not confident readers, says a survey from adult learning agency Learndirect. More than 10% of the 1,000 parents asked had struggled to understand some words in the stories they had read… Continue reading Literacy
BKB Closes Down
The Balham Kitchen and Bar has closed down. It has been sold to Sam Harrison (who owns a place called Sam’s Brasserie & Bar in Chiswick). It will reopen in September under the new name Harrison’s. The BKB won’t be missed. I’ve only been there a couple of times in the four years that it’s… Continue reading BKB Closes Down
Flash Flood
I monitor an RSS feed of all photos uploaded to Flickr with the tag “balham”. Which is how I came across this set of photos of a flash flood in Balham today. I’m trying to work out how close to my house this was. And vaguely dreading what I’ll find when I get home this… Continue reading Flash Flood