The Telegraph is slightly confused: Online crime hits 300 per minute By Ben Farmer Last Updated: 10:09am BST 06/09/2007 More than 300 internet crimes are being committed every hour… Hours? Minutes? Which is it? Ah well. It’s only numbers. I don’t suppose it’s important.
Joined Up Web Sites
Spread Shirt are company that allow you to design and print your own t-shirts. They also allow people to set up online shops selling t-shirts that they have designed. There are two Spreadshirt sites, one for the US and one for Europe. A couple of months ago I saw a shirt in a Spread Shirt… Continue reading Joined Up Web Sites
Patricia Hewitt
I’ve seen some cheeky 419 mail in my time, but this one (which arrived over the weekend) is the first that claims to be from a British MP and former minister. Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2007 5:06:03 +1000 [31/08/07 20:06:03 BST] From: “” <> Reply-To: Subject: Patricia Hewitt MP Dear Friend, I got your… Continue reading Patricia Hewitt
New Software, New Design, New URLs
I’ve updated this blog to use Movable Type version 4. So far it all looks rather nice. You’ll notice that the design has changed. I’ve reverted to using the default MT templates. I’ll add back some of the other bits and pieces over the next couple of weeks. Oh, and I’ve (finally!) switched to using… Continue reading New Software, New Design, New URLs
Death Anniversaries
The British press is, of course, busy getting all overexcited about one particular death that happened on this date. But there’s another, to my mind far more interesting, death anniversary today. It was 119 years today that the body of Mary Ann Nichols (usually know as Polly Nichols) was found in Buck’s Row, London. Nichols… Continue reading Death Anniversaries
From this weeks Popbitch Joss Whedon’s long awaited UK based Buffy spin-off, Ripper, starring Anthony Head, starts filming next summer for BBC. I sooo want that to be true.
Hi Honey, I’m Home
Did ya miss me? Been off touring New Zealand for a few weeks (Mr Torkington, that’s a beautiful country you have there). Got home just before midnight last night (about three hours later than expected due to flight delays). Not entirely sure what time of day it is, but I’ll be catching up over the… Continue reading Hi Honey, I’m Home
Christianity Defined
Christianity: The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to… Continue reading Christianity Defined
Misogyny is Alive and Well in 2007
I’ve read two things this morning that show that even in the 21st century, misogyny and sexism are alive and well. Firstly, here’s brian d foy writing about a nasty advert that was published in a Linux magazine recently. The company involved seem to think that drawing a comparison between their products and oral sex… Continue reading Misogyny is Alive and Well in 2007
Windows Users Trying Linux
This is a brief follow-up to my piece from a couple of weeks ago where I jokingly suggested that everyone should move away from Windows to Linux. I found this blog entry where a Windows user has been trying Ubuntu Linux for a couple of weeks. His findings make interesting reading. He’s had a bit… Continue reading Windows Users Trying Linux