
I go online sometimes, but everyone’s spelling is really bad. It’s… depressing. Tara – Buffy the Vampire Slayer I’m having one of my periodic phases when I get really wound up by the illiteracy that is so prevalent on the internet. Sometimes I find IRC incredibly painful. Grammar tip of the week: Remember, “install” and… Continue reading Grammar

Buffy Leaves Buffy

Sarah Michelle Geller has confirmed that she it leaving Buffy The Vampire Slayer in an interview in the March 7th issue of Entertainment Weekly. Still no firm news on the future of the series, tho’ rumours that Faith (the other vampire slayer played by Eliza Dushka) will become the main character in the series are… Continue reading Buffy Leaves Buffy

The Return Of The Vampire Slayer

So after six months of waiting, tonight we finally get a new episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on UK TV. It’s the first episode of season 7. Apparently it’s going to be a good deal less dark than the last season. So what do we know? Alyson Hannigan (Willow) and Anthony Head (Giles) have… Continue reading The Return Of The Vampire Slayer

Buffy the Video Game

I’m not much of a console game player. I have a Playstation 2, but that’s just because I got a good opportunity to upgrade when my original Playstation was stolen and we got the insurance money. To be honest it’s mainly used as a rather noisy DVD player. I buy the occasional game, but only… Continue reading Buffy the Video Game