When is an MP3 not an MP3?

The BBC has a story about Digital Music Downloading. This is a forthcoming service where if you like a song you hear on digital radio, you’ll be able to buy it immediately. The BBC says this: The service, called Digital Music Downloading, allows listeners to buy any song they hear, with MP3 copies being sent… Continue reading When is an MP3 not an MP3?


I’ve updated this blog[1] to the latest version of Movable Type. If you see any glitches that this might have caused, then please let me know. [1] And also Alternative Freak, Battersea MP and the Planet Balham Blog.

Virgin Media

The company formed from the amalgamation of ntl, Telewest and Virgin have announced that from early next year they will be rebranding as Virgin Media. I really hope that the promotional video on that page isn’t indicative of the quality of their services. I’ve had cable TV services for seven or eight years now. I… Continue reading Virgin Media

Too Clever By Half

I’ve just noticed that Firefox 2.0 is a bit too clever for its own good. It’s the new RSS autosubscription feature that’s the problem. It’s great that when I click on an RSS feed, it gives me the chance to subscribe to that feed in Bloglines. But it insists on doing that whenever I try… Continue reading Too Clever By Half

Defective By Design

A nice subversive use of technology. Amazon.com has started allowing customers to tag products (don’t think that’s available on the UK site). A group of DRM campaigners have started adding the tag defectivebydesign to products that implement some kind of DRM.

Categorised as tech