The “Controversy” That Won’t Die

The controversy over the MMR vaccine should be dead. I mean, really, no-one who reads around the subject can be in any doubt that Wakefield’s study was flawed and he massively overstated his findings. However the British press got hold of the story and now refuses to let go. A good example is Jeni Barnett’s… Continue reading The “Controversy” That Won’t Die

Global “Warming”

Weather like we’ve seen in the UK over the last twenty-four hours seems to effect people’s cognitive facilities. There’s one particular nonsense that I can almost guarantee you’ll come across in the next couple of days. That’s a climate change denier saying something like Well this weather at least proves for once and for all… Continue reading Global “Warming”

Creationist Idiocy in the UK

To “celebrate” the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, Theos (the religious think-tank) commissioned a survey into the public perceptions of Darwin’s theories. The results were published yesterday and do not make comforting reading. It seems that about half of the UK don’t accept Darwin’s findings and only about a quarter of us… Continue reading Creationist Idiocy in the UK

Admitting Your Mistakes

When did it become unfashionable to admit to mistakes. We all make mistakes. Why not just own up to them? Yesterday I got an email from an agent asking if I was available for work. I replied pointing her to the page on my company web site where that information is always available. Just now… Continue reading Admitting Your Mistakes

Ministers Want To Conceal MPs’ Expenses

The government are seriously considering moves that will remove MPs’ expenses from the list of items that the public can demand to see under the Freedom of Information Act. I hope it’s obvious why that’s a terrible idea, but if you need convincing, please read Matt Wardman’s blog post on the subject. Writing on the… Continue reading Ministers Want To Conceal MPs’ Expenses

TV Licence by Email

I’m not the world’s most organised person. I’m forever losing important pieces of paper. Over the christmas break I went through some of what I laughably call my filing system and attempted to impose a little more order. One of the important pieces of paper I found was my TV licence. In an attempt to… Continue reading TV Licence by Email

More Christian Voice Idiocy

Christian Voice (Stephen Green’s one-man extreme christian hate-squad) have written to the Advertising Standards Authority registering an objection to the atheist bus adverts. Green is quoted as saying that the adverts “break the ASA’s codes on substantiation and truthfulness”. He claims that the atheists need to produce evidence that there’s probably no god and goes… Continue reading More Christian Voice Idiocy