Job Found

Thanks to everyone who responded to my post about job hunting. I’m happy to report that I got two firm job offers out of it and I’ve now accepted one of those offers. In a couple of weeks I’ll be going to work at the UK’s biggest broadcaster (again).

Categorised as work

And Finally…

Kudos to the Guardian‘s Rosie Swash for pointing out that sexism is alive and well in the music industry. And finally, good news for Kate Thornton during this most difficult of weeks. She may have been axed from prime-time TV, but she can be comforted by the knowledge that Louis Walsh thinks her breasts are… Continue reading And Finally…

Jesus Camp

I watched Jesus Camp yesterday. What a frightening film that is. It’s like watching child abuse. No, I take that back. It is watching child abuse. You should all watch it. It will open your eyes to some of the atrocities carried out by the evangelical christians in the US.

Today’s English Lesson

A slight piece of exaggeration from the Croydon Guardian. They are talking about the success of Levi Roots’ Reggae Reggae Sauce (as seen on Dragon’s Den). They claim that The sauce was literally flying off the shelves in the Balham branch of Sainsbury’s on Thursday night Well I’ve been in the Balham Sainbury’s a couple… Continue reading Today’s English Lesson

Sloppy Journalism

This story was in yesterday’s londonpaper. Writers earn just third of average UK authors earn 33 per cent less than the national average wage, a survey revealed today. I’m not misreading it am I? The headline says something completely different to the text. Of course, it’s just maths. So it’s really not important.

British Book Awards

The shortlists for this years British Book Awards have been announced. Richard Dawkins is included on the Author of the Year list and The God Delusion is on the Book of the Year list. Don’t forget to vote. Update: The results were announced yesterday and Richard Dawkins is Author of the year.

Categorised as books

Neverwhere on DVD

Neverwhere Neil Gaiman points out that Neverwhere is finally getting an official BBC DVD release. There’s been an import version available for some time – which I have. But it’s nice to know that the BBC have finally remembered what a good series it was. For those that don’t know, Neverwhere was a series that… Continue reading Neverwhere on DVD