Kathy Sierra

Please read Kathy Sierra’s post where she explains why she isn’t giving her planned talks at O’Reilly’s ETech conference this week. She has received a number of death threats from anonymous commentors on various blogs and has therefore decided to cancel all speaking engagements and stay at home. And who can blame her for that.… Continue reading Kathy Sierra

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Selling Domains

I’ve been dabbling in web sites for some time now and over the years I’ve had my fair share of projects that either never got started or started well but eventually withered and died[1]. Most of these projects had an associated domain name. Previously, once I’ve decided that a project is moribund, I’ve just let… Continue reading Selling Domains

Bigotry United

The eminently sensible Sexual Orientation Regulations will be debated in the House of Lords today. I strongly suspect that the bill will be passed but the homophobes and bigots are apparently organising a last-minute protest. Let’s get one thing perfectly clear here. Any christian who says that they object to this law on religious grounds… Continue reading Bigotry United

Tabloid Misreporting

The BBC are reporting that schools will be entitled to ban the wearing of full-face veils under new new guidelines issued by education ministers Schools allowed to ban face veils Schools will be able to ban pupils from wearing full-face veils on security, safety or learning grounds under new uniforms guidance issued by ministers. Note… Continue reading Tabloid Misreporting

Metro on Conservapedia

It’s interesting to watch how quickly (or otherwise) internet memes get to the mainstream media. It’s three weeks since a number of bloggers started writing about Conservapedia and today the freebie London paper Metro ran a story on it. And they seem to rather miss the point of it. Their headline is “Weird, wild wiki… Continue reading Metro on Conservapedia