The English Language

A predictable furore over at the BBC HYS about the future of the corporation. An astonishing number of people seem to like to use the BBC forums to tell everyone how much they hate the BBC. Here’s my personal favourite so far: Changes should be made immediately by canceling contract for the likes of Jonathan… Continue reading The English Language

We Can Be Heroes

If you’re one of those desperately untrendy people who still watches television on the terrestrial channels, then you won’t yet have seen Heroes. All that can change tonight as BBC Two are showing the first two episodes starting tonight at 9pm. Heroes is great. I mean, yes, it’s comic-book superhero stuff. And, yes, it’s largely… Continue reading We Can Be Heroes

Double Negatives

If there’s one time in your life when it pays to be very careful about what you’re saying, then it’s when you’re answering questions about crimes that you have been accused of. You know, there’s that whole “anything you say will be taken down and can be used in evidence against you” thing going on.… Continue reading Double Negatives

iPlayer Announcement

It looks like the BBC are ramping up to make an announcement about the iPlayer later today. I’ll link to the press release just as soon as I can find it on their site. Update: Here it is. Looks like the iPlayer officially launches today. Update: I can’t read properly. It doesn’t launch today. It… Continue reading iPlayer Announcement

Hack Day Weirdness

Wow. Pretty weird start to Hack Day. We were in the West Hall of Alexandra Palace. A talk had just finished and there was lots of general milling about going on. All of a sudden there was an almighty bang followed by some loud crackling. It sounded like it was coming from the roof. Then… Continue reading Hack Day Weirdness