Creationist Lobbying

Tom Watson reports that he has been sent a DVD by a group of creationist nutters (that’s probably a tautology isn’t it?) which he assumes has been sent to all MPs. Apparently it’s sent from the people at and the covering letter includes the following: I have yet to find any credible examples of… Continue reading Creationist Lobbying

Bye-Bye Backing Blair

The Backing Blair campaign is closing down. The closing statement that is now on the front page of their web site says this: Right now, at every level of politics, people can be split into two groups: Those who feel distanced from politics and/or helpless to change matters because of a growing culture of obfuscation… Continue reading Bye-Bye Backing Blair

Gulf Stream Worries

You’ll often hear people complaining about how cold the UK is. What the complainers don’t seem to realise is that considering how far north we are, the climate in the UK is actually far warmer than it really should be. The reason for this warmer climate is the Gulf Stream (or, more accurately, its northern… Continue reading Gulf Stream Worries

Action Point: Calling All Humanists

This is all very late notice, but I’ve only just seen it. This afternoon, four MPs will try to raise an amendment to the Charities Bill which will give humanist and secular charities (and organisations seeking charitable status) exactly the same rights as religious organisations. It’s obviously ludicrous that our charity system gives more help… Continue reading Action Point: Calling All Humanists

Jack Straw and the Veil

Let’s look at what Jack Straw actually said. Yesterday he said that facial expression is an important part of communication and that therefore wearing a veil over your face makes it harder to communicate. He then said that for that reason he asks veiled women if they would mind removing their veil when they visit… Continue reading Jack Straw and the Veil

Five Years On

Dave Gorman has an interesting story that neatly illustrates the way that the world has changed in the last five years. Whilst taking this picture of Battersea Power Station just after midnight on Saturday night, he was stopped and questioned by police under the Prevention of Terrorism Act. Just for taking a photgraph. (via Bloggerheads)