This is all very late notice, but I’ve only just seen it.
This afternoon, four MPs will try to raise an amendment to the Charities Bill which will give humanist and secular charities (and organisations seeking charitable status) exactly the same rights as religious organisations. It’s obviously ludicrous that our charity system gives more help to charities based on religious beliefs so we need to do all we can to ensure that this amendment is passed.
So here’s what to do:
- Go here to read all about it
- Then go here and send a fax to your MP asking them to support the amendment
- Relax that you’ve done your bit to fight the forces of medievalism
Obviously you don’t need to be non-religious to realise that parity in this is a good idea, so if you’re religious please feel free to join in too.
Update: Medievalism won. The debate is here and the (very disappointing) vote is here.