On Databases

Last week David Heinemeier Hansson wrote a rather controversial piece about the use of stored procedures, triggers and relational constraints in databases. Later in the week Alex Bunardzic backed him up. What they both seem to be saying is that because we now have powerful tools to represent our data models in code[1] then there… Continue reading On Databases

New London Transport Fares

It’s time for the Evening Standard‘s annual “outrage at the transport fare increases” issue. This year’s issue must have been particularly difficult to write as for most people the fares will have actually gone down. Let’s explain this simply so that even Standard journalists can understand. Transport for London want everyone to use their Oyster… Continue reading New London Transport Fares


It seems that 2005 will go down in history as the year that my body officially gave up the ghost. Not only was there all the sarcoidosis stuff, but this morning I had an eye test as was told that I should start to use glasses for reading and computer work. This didn’t come as… Continue reading Glasses

Categorised as health


We’ll no doubt here a lot about the Tory flat tax proposals during their conference next week. Here are a few alternative suggestions. A Fat Tax Your rate of tax is the percentage that you are over the average weight for your height. I’m still debating whether that should really be both over or under.… Continue reading Taxing

Categorised as politics