Computer Weekly has an article about LAMP systems. It’s nice that they’re defining it as a “hot skill” about five years after everyone else was talking about it. Or, on the other hand, it’s easy to think that everyone knows about LAMP just because I everyone I know has been working in this area for… Continue reading Computer Weekly Covers LAMP
Author: Dave Cross
Interesting post from Nat Torkington about what he’s thinking on the eve of the first European OSCON. It’s been a few years since I went to one of the US OSCONs and I’m really interested to see how the European version works out. I’ll be arriving in Amsterdam on Monday and will, of course, be… Continue reading EuroOSCON
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
I must have missed this news when it was announced a couple of days ago. Archeologists have discovered evidence of noodles that were eaten in China 4000 years ago. Which obviously means that Pastafarianism has been around at least two thousand years longer than christianity. Christians, give up your false gods and start worshipping the… Continue reading Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Empty Tube Carriages
Every Londoner has done it at some point. A packed tube pulls into the station, but the carriage that stops in front of you is surprisingly empty. But it’s early in the morning and you’re only half awake so instead of being suspicious you just get on. And just as the doors close, your nose… Continue reading Empty Tube Carriages
Tiny Videos
Why do people want to watch videos on their iPods? Maybe I should rephrase that. Do people really want to watch videos on their iPods? Or is that just what Steve Jobs wants people to want? I had the same question when I saw that you could buy films and TV programs to watch on… Continue reading Tiny Videos
Hacking URLs
How do you surf the web? Chances are that you’re like most people and you just click on links to move from page to page. Seems that most people don’t use the location bar in their browser. That’s the text box near the top of your browser window that contains the URL (or, in plain… Continue reading Hacking URLs
Is Lloyd the first person use the word “pingosphere”? I’ve never seen it before. Oh wait, Google has one previous usage. Does anyone else just think of penguins when they read it?
BBC Licence Fee
The UK press is predictably angry about the BBC’s request for an increase in the licence fee. When you’re reading stories about this you should bear in mind that papers like the Sun are slightly biased as they are owned one of the BBC’s broadcasting rivals. Many of them seem to be reporting this as… Continue reading BBC Licence Fee
Crystal Palace
Yesterday the crisps crew spent a very pleasant couple of hours wandering around Crystal Palace. The photo shows one of the Victorian dinosaur models which were, for me at least, the highlight of the afternoon. More photos follow soon.
Databases and Metadata
Following on from my previous post let’s take a closer look at the kinds of metadata that you might put into a database and how an Object-Relational Mapping layer (like Class::DBI, ActiveRecord or Hibernate) might make use of it. We’ll start with the most obvious stuff and work our way down to less common features.… Continue reading Databases and Metadata