Computer Weekly Covers LAMP

Computer Weekly has an article about LAMP systems. It’s nice that they’re defining it as a “hot skill” about five years after everyone else was talking about it. Or, on the other hand, it’s easy to think that everyone knows about LAMP just because I everyone I know has been working in this area for… Continue reading Computer Weekly Covers LAMP

Touched By His Noodly Appendage

I must have missed this news when it was announced a couple of days ago. Archeologists have discovered evidence of noodles that were eaten in China 4000 years ago. Which obviously means that Pastafarianism has been around at least two thousand years longer than christianity. Christians, give up your false gods and start worshipping the… Continue reading Touched By His Noodly Appendage

Crystal Palace

Yesterday the crisps crew spent a very pleasant couple of hours wandering around Crystal Palace. The photo shows one of the Victorian dinosaur models which were, for me at least, the highlight of the afternoon. More photos follow soon.

Categorised as life, london