Religion Harms Society

Religious belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today. According to the study, belief in and worship of God are not only unnecessary for a healthy society but may actually contribute to social problems. Also It compares the social peformance of… Continue reading Religion Harms Society

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The reason for this weekend’s trip to Brighton was to move my stepdaughter into Sussex University. She loaded up all of her stuff into her boyfriend’s car on Saturday lunchtime and they drove down together[1]. We followed on the train and by a sheer fluke managed to arrive just as they had finished the unloading.… Continue reading University

Categorised as life

London Highwalks

Slowly organising all of my old photos on Flickr. I’ve just created a photo set for a crisps walk we did in November 2002 around the highwalks of the City of London. Must be time for another crisps walk. I suspect I volunteered to organise one…

Categorised as photos

Suspicious Behaviour on the Tube

Today’s Guardian has an interesting account by David Mery of the day he was arrested by the metropolitan police for acting suspiciously on the tube. This took place the day after the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes in Stockwell station. Mery has a web page where he is keeping a record of the incident… Continue reading Suspicious Behaviour on the Tube

Politicians’ Families

Two nicely contrasting stories in today’s papers about members of politicians’ families. Firstly, theguardian has used the freedom of information act to get lots of good dirt on how Mark Thatcher abused the fact that his mother was Prime Minister. This is, of course, exactly how the freedom of information act should be used. And… Continue reading Politicians’ Families


I spent the weekend staying with friends in a small Devon village. It’s nice to get away from the city every once in a while. One of the bonuses of the weekend was seeing my first real-life badger. Unfortunately it was dead, having been hit by a car. We did, however, get a good view… Continue reading Badger

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