Dawkins on Doctor Who

Russell T Davies was interviewed by the Independent last Sunday and he happened to mention that Richard Dawkins will be appearing in this series of Doctor Who. The evolutionary biologist and best-selling author of The God Delusion will appear as a guest star in the new series of Doctor Who, which began last night. “People… Continue reading Dawkins on Doctor Who

Books I Read in March 2008

Another month, another list of books read. I know how much you all love reading these lists. number9dream – David MitchellI started this at the end of February. And, surprisingly, found it all a bit of a struggle. I say “surprisingly” because I’ve loved the previous two David Mitchell books that I’ve read – Cloud… Continue reading Books I Read in March 2008

Human Dinosaurs

Having just been saying how much I like the new Guardian URL scheme, it was interesting to see the URL for this article from today’s paper. The article is about some early hominan[1] remains that have been found in northern Spain. The URL is http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2008/mar/27/archaeology.dinosaurs I can obviously see why it’s in the science section.… Continue reading Human Dinosaurs


I’ve been dabbling with Yahoo!’s new location service FireEagle. Well, when I say “dabbling” I really mean “looking at it and thinking that I should really get round to trying to write something that uses it”. All I’ve actually been doing is updating it (when I remember) to tell it that I’m at home or… Continue reading FireEagle


It’s nine years since I registered the domain dave.org.uk and set up a web site there. And I’ve never really known what to do with it. Since I started blogging, it’s seemed even less useful. The blog front page was where all the interesting stuff happened. The main page just contained links to a few… Continue reading Redesigning

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Here in the UK we don’t have many problems with creationists. We  have to be vigilant because it looks like they might be on the increase, but currently we mainly just point and laugh at them. It’s therefore hard sometimes to understand how much of a problem creationism is over in the US. Unless you… Continue reading Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

Nadine Dorries is Confused Again

You have to feel sorry for the electorate in Mid Bedfordshire. When they elected Nadine Dorries in 2005, I’m sure they couldn’t have know what a huge mistake they had made. You might recall how she accused Ben Goldacre of publishing parliamentary secrets. When Goldacre pointed out that the facts he had published were in… Continue reading Nadine Dorries is Confused Again