Public Unaware of RSS

It’s good to see something like this every once in a while. It’s easy to sit there in a little geek cocoon and assume that everyone out there on the interweb is using all the same time-saving tools as you are. But as this article from The Register shows, that’s often not the case. It… Continue reading Public Unaware of RSS

The Internet is 10

The internet is 10 this week. Well, no, of course it isn’t. It’s been around in some form or another since 1969. But a leader in today’s Guardian says that this week is being celebrated as the tenth anniversary of the internet as a mass phenomenon – and I can’t really argue with that. Interestingly,… Continue reading The Internet is 10

Dave’s First Law of Information

I’m proposing a new law which I’m calling “Dave’s First Law of Information”. It goes like this: Information expands to more than fill the amount of time allocated to deal with it A few years ago I had a small number of web sites that I’d visit regularly in order to keep up to date… Continue reading Dave’s First Law of Information

New Social Networking Site

O’Reilly have launched their new social networking site Connection. I seem to spend a lot of my time recreating my social network on whatever is the current trendy social networking site. In the last couple of years I’ve been on Ecademy, Orkut, Friendster, LinkedIn and probably a few more that I’ve forgotten. Anyway, I’ve signed… Continue reading New Social Networking Site

Bad People

The people running Eyeconomy are bad people. They encourage people who have web sites to use bad practices. Take a look of their section on sub-sites. What they so innocuously call “sub-sites” are better known to the rest of the world as “pop-unders” – that is those extra windows that open underneath your existing browser… Continue reading Bad People