Nik talks a lot of sense about technical interviews. As a purely anecdotal aside, I’m pretty sure that the interviews where I’ve been asked the kinds of questions that he’s talking about have lead to some of the jobs that I have least enjoyed. And, as Nik mentions, this is all in the context of… Continue reading Technical Interviews
The Sun Searches for Sick Web Sites
The Sun has launched a search for “the web’s most disturbing websites”. Just send your suggestions to and “our web team will get on the case” (whatever that means). I don’t know about you, but high on my list of the sickest sites on the web is Do you think I should let… Continue reading The Sun Searches for Sick Web Sites
So, iPhone. Looks nice, but I can’t see anything that says that it plays Ogg Vorbis files. Which makes it useless to me.
What Kind of Whovian Are You?
What Kind Of Whovian Are You? Your Result: Good natured jumper wearer when two fans get chatting in the line for autographs at a convention, you’re the one that flinches when the other swears. you own a cat called sutekh. Classic series n00b Laddyfan Hard Living Demon Fan New series n00b… Continue reading What Kind of Whovian Are You?
Religious Bigotry
If more proof was needed that religion isn’t always the force for good that its proponents would have us believe that it is, them you only have to look at today’s rally at Parliament. At this rally you’ll see Christians, Jews and Muslims all protesting together to protect their right to be homophobic. That people… Continue reading Religious Bigotry
The highlight of my holiday was the helicopter trip that we took to Montserrat to see at first hand the damage done by the Soufriere Hills volcano since it became active in 1995. The trip is organised by Caribbean Helicopters on Antigua. I only found it because I was idly flicking through my copy of… Continue reading Montserrat
They still need a lot more tagging and reorganisation, but I’ve just dumped about 350 photos from the cruise onto Flickr. Enjoy.
Delta Blues
I rarely have a need to use a US airline, so I don’t really know anything about their relative merits. I do, however, now have one useful data point. Delta is staffed entirely by incompetent fools and I’ll never be using them again. Our return from Costa Rica involved two Delta flights on Friday. DL245… Continue reading Delta Blues
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from somewhere in the middle of the Caribbean Sea. We’re heading towards Cuba. We arrive there tomorrow morning for a four day stay. We’re all hoping that Castro doesn’t die in the next few days – as that could apparently be a bit of a problem for tourists in the country.
A Mystery
Yesterday, following a series of confusions that may never be adequately explained, we ended up having a very nice dinner in Barbados with my step-mother-in-law (is that a real term?) During the meal, she mentioned that at some point earlier in the year she had met someone who knew me. Someone who worked in computers.… Continue reading A Mystery