I’m writing this from a ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Net access is (understandably) patchy – we’re sharing a 64k pipe with all the ship’s official data traffic – so I haven’t kept as in touch as I hoped that I would. We’ve been to Gibraltar and Madeira and for the last… Continue reading Cruising
7th Heaven
A couple of years ago, a friend of mine acted in a couple of episodes of the American television show 7th Heaven. At the time she told me that there was no danger of it ever being shown in the UK as it was a very American show and British audiences would hate it. But… Continue reading 7th Heaven
No Comment
Ok, I haven’t had the time to get the authorised commenting working correctly with the new version of MT. And allowing everyone to comment was just leading to an effective Denial of Service attack on this server. So I’ve disable comments on this blog until I get back from holiday and can spend time looking… Continue reading No Comment
Swings & Roundabouts
Over the weekend, we got the final details through about the holiday. A couple of things had changed. Some were better and some were worse. The flight has switched from Heathrow to Gatwick. That’s closer to us, so that’s good. But it’s switched from BA to EasyJet. That’s bad. The flight is now about five… Continue reading Swings & Roundabouts
New Planet – Doctor Who
I’ve just put Planet Doctor Who live. It aggregates stuff that it can find about Doctor Who (and Torchwood). If you can recommend good RSS feeds that it should include, then please let me know. Obviously it has web feeds. Choose from RSS or Atom. Oh, and there’s also an OPML file.
Guardian Travel Site
The Guardian have introduced a new travel web site and GU development manager, Nik Silver, has written an interesting article about how it all works. Sounds like it’s full of web 2.0 goodness. Some nice uses of tagging and RSS. I don’t have any inside information, but I suspect that this might be a little… Continue reading Guardian Travel Site
Occasionally, I find that articles from this site are misappropriated for use on splogs. It seems, however, that most of my usual subjects are of no interest to sploggers as it has only happened a few times. But yesterday’s post about Cooking Vinyl seems to have both confused and excited the sploggers. This morning, Google’s… Continue reading Splogs
Oops. It seems that the update to the latest version of Movable Type broke the commenting on this site. I’m still not sure what happened (it seems to be a problem with the TypeKey integration), but comments are working again now (but only because I’ve removed the requirement for TypeKey authentication). I’ll look at it… Continue reading Comments
Early Day Motion on Creationism in UK Schools
Following on from yesterday’s piece about “Truth” In Science trying to get their crackpot creationist theories taught in British schools, I see that MP Graham Stringer has tabled an Early Day Motion on this issue. You might consider popping over to WriteToThem and asking your MP to sign this EDM.
When is an MP3 not an MP3?
The BBC has a story about Digital Music Downloading. This is a forthcoming service where if you like a song you hear on digital radio, you’ll be able to buy it immediately. The BBC says this: The service, called Digital Music Downloading, allows listeners to buy any song they hear, with MP3 copies being sent… Continue reading When is an MP3 not an MP3?