Probably only of interest to me, but I’ve put together a page which lists all of the Cooking Vinyl compilation albums. As I’ve written before, Cooking Vinyl were the label who really introduced me to world music, and their compilation albums are a great overview of their catalogue. If you’ve got any information to add,… Continue reading Cooking Vinyl Compilations
Rise of Creationism in UK Schools
From the front page of today’s Guardian: Dozens of schools are using creationist teaching materials condemned by the government as “not appropriate to support the science curriculum”, the Guardian has learned. The packs promote the creationist alternative to Darwinian evolution called intelligent design and the group behind them said 59 schools are using the information… Continue reading Rise of Creationism in UK Schools
I’m probably coming to this very late. I’m sure you’ve all seen it already. A few weeks ago, I recorded the Amnesty International Secret Policeman’s Ball, but I hadn’t got round to watching much of it until last night – when I discovered this. “Torn” is, of course a great song and David Armand‘s interpretation… Continue reading Torn
It looks like is being resurrected. I know people who are still emotionally scarred from its first incarnation.
I’ve updated this blog[1] to the latest version of Movable Type. If you see any glitches that this might have caused, then please let me know. [1] And also Alternative Freak, Battersea MP and the Planet Balham Blog.
The Beatles – Love
I’m not quite old enough to remember the Beatles when they were still recording. My earliest memories of Top of the Pops date from just after they split up. But when I started getting interested in music they were still a very recent phenomenon and their influence was felt in every discussion about music. They… Continue reading The Beatles – Love
It’s really not surprising that the god-fearing Daily Mail has taken this approach to the BA “cross-banning” story. And it was obvious that they would side with the Archbishop of York. But what I do find surprising is that they feel the need to point out that Dr Sentamu is Ugandan. I’ve thought about it… Continue reading Nonsense
Creationist Lobbying
Tom Watson reports that he has been sent a DVD by a group of creationist nutters (that’s probably a tautology isn’t it?) which he assumes has been sent to all MPs. Apparently it’s sent from the people at and the covering letter includes the following: I have yet to find any credible examples of… Continue reading Creationist Lobbying
Geo-Coding the UK
I’m currently building a web site that will involve plotting the positions of buildings onto maps. I’m going to be using Google maps for that. Unfortunately, the data that I need to plot is a list of postcodes and as far as I can see, the best way to plot stuff on a Google map… Continue reading Geo-Coding the UK
Shooting the Messenger
I was going to write something about Matthew Taylor’s little tantrum about blogs. But I see that Rachel has already said everything I would say – and far more eloquently that I would say it.