
This is well worth doing. “I will Arrange my MP to receive a copy of Richard Dawkins’ book “The God Delusion” but only if 645 other people (one per UK constituency) will do the same for other MPs.” Further details: The head of the UK Catholic Church has today (23 January 2007) has asked the… Continue reading Pledge

Supersize Your RSS

This article in Wired points out that the consumer release of Windows Vista will almost certainly see the use of RSS reach a tipping point. Save the date: RSS will go mainstream on Jan. 30, 2007. That’s the day Microsoft’s Windows Vista operating system hits retail shelves. Internet Explorer 7, the first version of Microsoft’s… Continue reading Supersize Your RSS

Telegraph Web Site

The Telegraph web site was relaunched recently and they are promoting this with an advertising campaign. I’ve seen many adverts on the escalators in tube stations. But these adverts have some very strange wording on them. They claim that the Telegraph site is “the UK’s most visited quality newspaper web site”. And there’s a logo… Continue reading Telegraph Web Site

Harriet Harman Blogging

Harriet Harman has started a blog. Of course, she’s also standing for election as deputy leader of the Labour party – so the timing is all very suspicious. I wonder how much she’ll be writing once the election is over. But, anyway, I’ve added her to Planet Westminster. Interestingly, Harman’s web site is also available… Continue reading Harriet Harman Blogging


Right. I think I’ve got all the commenty stuff working again. You’ll still have to be registered with Typekey in order to comment, but hopefully you’re all used to that now. Sorry for the inconvenience over the last few weeks. I’m sure you’ve all got loads of really interesting comments stored up. And a big… Continue reading Comments

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