Anyone who follows political blogging in the UK will be aware of the current… er… disagreement between Tim Ireland and Paul Staines. It’s a disagreement about how blogs should be run. Ireland is arguing for transparency, permanence and good things like that whereas Staines delights in obscurity, astroturfing and deleting comments whenever it suits his… Continue reading British Political Blogging
Perl Programmers in London
Judging by the number of calls and emails that I’m getting recently, the demand for Perl programmers in London is going through one of its periodic increases. Hopefully recruitment agents who are desperately googling for “perl programmer london” will find this entry and save themselves a little time. The Perl community likes to do what… Continue reading Perl Programmers in London
Terror Kidnapping Plot
They’re just messing with us now. Having a laugh. Seeing how much they can get away with. BBC correspondent Gordon Corera said the plot was thought to involve “some kind of kidnapping – possibly of an individual”. You don’t say! Kidnapping an individual. As opposed to kidnapping, what, a hatstand? Also: Finding evidence to back… Continue reading Terror Kidnapping Plot
Incrypted with SLL
From an “Amazon” phishing mail that I’ve just received. Amazon will request personal data (password, credit card/bank numbers) only on our home site, wich is securely incrypted with SLL. See, if you don’t pay attention in your English classes, you’ll never be able to fool English speakers. Well, unless they didn’t pay attention in English… Continue reading Incrypted with SLL
Young British Muslims
Another worrying poll today about how young British muslims are becoming more radical. Apparently 37% of 16-24 year olds want to live under sharia law and the same percentage want to send their children to islamic schools. There are many other equally depressing findings. No response from the government yet, but the Telegraph report contains… Continue reading Young British Muslims
Counting Films
How many films have you seen? That’s not a question I’ve ever pondered before. But it came up in conversation earlier this week when a friend was telling me about Listal. A new web site that he had been playing with. Listal is aimed at the High Fidelity geek audience. It’s a web site for… Continue reading Counting Films
BBC Bias?
On Monday, Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre gave a speech where he ranted about the “cultural Marxism” of the BBC. He was, of course, pretty much completely wrong. And today we have a well-written piece by Lance Price pointing out many of Dacre’s errors. And as a bonus, he does it by having a little… Continue reading BBC Bias?
Karma Download
Last time I checked (sometime late last year) the Karma Download web site [Update 2013: this address now redirects you a rather dodgy web site – you probably don’t want to follow that link] was displaying a message saying that they hoped to be back in action in a few days (I understand that they… Continue reading Karma Download
Something To Aim At
The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Archbishop of York have written a letter to the Prime Minister in which they back the rights of Catholic adoption agencies to be exempt from rules of the Equality Act which comes into force in April. The law makes it illegal to withhold services from people on the basis… Continue reading Something To Aim At
This is well worth doing. “I will Arrange my MP to receive a copy of Richard Dawkins’ book “The God Delusion” but only if 645 other people (one per UK constituency) will do the same for other MPs.” Further details: The head of the UK Catholic Church has today (23 January 2007) has asked the… Continue reading Pledge