From the “stating the bleedin’ obvious” department. Organic fruit and vegetables may be better for you than conventionally grown crops, US research suggests. I mean, really, how much research did that need?
Doctor Who News
On Saturday the third series of the revived (maybe “regenerated” is better) Doctor Who finished on BBC One. The last episode (capsule review – all a bit too silly for my tastes) ended with the Doctor alone in the TARDIS again as Martha Jones had decided to leave him and stay one Earth. Which all… Continue reading Doctor Who News
Radio Silence
I’ve been a bit quiet for the last few days. It’s my first week working with a new client and there’s a lot to pick up so I haven’t really had time for blogging. I’m sure things will get back to normal before too long. In the meantime, good news about Alan Johnston, innit?
“Less Delays”
Does no-one speak English any more? In Leicester Square station last night I saw a Transport for London poster that proudly declared that the work they are currently doing on the network will lead to “less delays”. Do they mean “less delay”? Or perhaps “fewer delays”? I wonder how many people approved that copy. And… Continue reading “Less Delays”
Broken Apple Updates (Update)
A couple of months ago, I wrote about some problems I was having with Apple software updates that were stopping my MacBook connecting to my wireless network. That problem has just got far worse. Since having the problems, we’ve learned to avoid Apple Airport updates. Whenever the software updater tells us that there’s an airport… Continue reading Broken Apple Updates (Update)
Constitutional Misunderstandings
This is the third time I can remember a Prime Minister handing over power to a successor from the same party without a general election. Wilson handed over to Callaghan in 1976 and Thatcher handed over (albeit unwillingly) to Major in 1990. Every time this happens the same constitutional misunderstandings are heard. People start insisting… Continue reading Constitutional Misunderstandings
Leaving the BBC
Seems like we’re approaching another of those periods when it’s fashionable to leave the BBC. This morning my RSS reader brought me “I’m off soon” posts from Tom Loosemore and Alice Taylor. Oh, and there’s me. I’m leaving (again) on Friday. Back in the City from Monday.
iPlayer Announcement
It looks like the BBC are ramping up to make an announcement about the iPlayer later today. I’ll link to the press release just as soon as I can find it on their site. Update: Here it is. Looks like the iPlayer officially launches today. Update: I can’t read properly. It doesn’t launch today. It… Continue reading iPlayer Announcement
Silver Ring Thing Revisited
Longtime readers might remember that I have rather strong opinions on the Silver Ring Thing and may be surprised that I haven’t commented on the recent news stories about them. I’ve been following the stories closely, but I’ve been a bit to busy on other stuff to compose a coherent blog entry on the subject.… Continue reading Silver Ring Thing Revisited
London Weblogger Meetup
There’s a new London Weblogger Meetup group that sprang into existence over the weekend. Their first meeting is in Kensington in a couple of weeks. Only two people have replied so far (and one of those is me) but if it takes off, then I’ll certainly go along and have a look.