Argh. I’ve just noticed that having rebuilt all of the entries in the blog, the URLs have all changed. For example the URL of my entry about finding Perl programmers in London has changed from to They’ve dropped the “archives” directory. No doubt there’s a good reason for it, but until I put… Continue reading Blog URLs
Blog Status
I’ve had a bit of a play, and I’m not convinced that Movable Type Open Source 4.1 is quite as stable as Six Apart want us to think it is. Yesterday I was having trouble publishing pages. I was getting timeouts which were leading to 500 errors. I still haven’t been able to republish all… Continue reading Blog Status
More Blog Progress
Made some progress on restoring the old blog entries yesterday. I managed to get the old web server working long enough to export the blog data and I’ve successfully imported it into this installation. Over the next few hours I’ll try to get the pages rebuilt. At the same time (never let it be said… Continue reading More Blog Progress
Quantum of Solace
In 1985 I went to the cinema to watch A View to a Kill. It was one of the worst films that I had ever seen. And on further reflection I realised that it had been years since I had enjoyed watching a James Bond film. I decided to stop wasting my time and stopped… Continue reading Quantum of Solace
Egg Web Site Stupidity
Another example of web site stupidity. When she finishes at university this summer my step-daughter is planning to go travelling. To make this a bit easier for her we decided that we’d give her one of our credit cards. That’s a pretty standard thing that parents do, isn’t it? I decided to make her an… Continue reading Egg Web Site Stupidity
Getting Organised
It’s a new year, so I’m making my annual attempt to get more organised. To help me with this plan, yesterday I: Upgraded to Hiveminder Pro (on the basis that if I pay for a product I’ll be more likely to use it) Starting playing with I Want Sandy (a service that I had signed… Continue reading Getting Organised
Proof of Residence
Like, I suppose, most people in London we live in a controlled parking area. To park on my road you must either have a resident’s parking permit or buy a ticket from the machine (£1.80 an hour, maximum stay four hours). We don’t have a car, so most of the time this doesn’t bother us… Continue reading Proof of Residence
Topical References in Novels
For reasons too boring to go into, I’m currently reading The Big Picture by Douglas Kennedy. I really don’t recommend it. It’s a rather dull story of a rich American whose life is suddenly changed in dramatic ways. But one thing interested me in it. That’s the way that the topical references in the novel… Continue reading Topical References in Novels
No More Faith Schools
This all comes a as a bit of a surprise. But a very welcome one. The Government has decided against backing more faith schools, the Children, Schools and Families Secretary, Ed Balls, told MPs. In what is being seen as one of the most significant policy shifts of the post-Tony Blair era in education, he… Continue reading No More Faith Schools
Blasphemy Update
The debate on the amendment to the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill which would repeal the UK’s law against blasphemy took place yesterday. You can read the full debate online or summaries from various news sources. Basically, following a half hour or so of debate the Justice Minister, Maria Eagle, said that the government had… Continue reading Blasphemy Update