The Hacker’s Diet It’s probably time to take another look at this. (tags: diet health nutrition geek fitness)
links for 2008-02-13
Those Daily Express migrant arrest statistics in full – currybetdotnet – 12 February, 2008 Martin has some fun with the Daily Express and statistics. (tags: dailyexpress tabloid newspapers media statistics currybet) 90 Day Jane Jane says she is going to kill herself in 90 days, because she’s an atheist and life has no purpose. I… Continue reading links for 2008-02-13
links for 2008-02-12
Further particulars: Charles Simonyi Professorship in the Public Understanding of Science The University of Oxford are looking for applicants for the Charles Simonyi Professorship in the Public Understanding of Science. This is currently Richard Dawkins’ post, but he’s retiring from it in September 2008. Tough act to follow. (tags: dawkins oxford professor simonyi university) ‘Charles… Continue reading links for 2008-02-12
Darwin Day
Happy Darwin Day everyone. Today, it’s 199 years since Charles Darwin was born and later this year it will be 149 years since he published The Origin of Species. So this year will only really be a practice for a far bigger celebration next year. Update: Removed extra 9 from 199. Thanks Murray!
links for 2008-02-11
On the Origin of Species | Science | The Guardian seems to be a year early in celebrating both Darwin’s bicentenary and the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species. Interesting stuff though. (tags: guardian darwin evolution originofspecies anniversary biology science) Neil Gaiman – Neil Gaiman’s Journal: The Birthday Thing To… Continue reading links for 2008-02-11
Sharia Law in the UK
Rowan Williams has certainly opened a bit of a can of worms. In a BBC interview yesterday (which was a prelude to a lecture he gave later) he said that it is inevitable that Sharia law will be adopted by muslim communities in the UK. This has, predictably, induced apoplexy in the readership of the… Continue reading Sharia Law in the UK
Books I Read in January 2008
The first of a (hopefully) monthly series. I say “hopefully” because I’ve tried do to things like this before. It never works. Here are the books I read last month: Atonement – Ian McEwanI really don’t know why I’ve only just read it. I bought it when it was first published and even started reading… Continue reading Books I Read in January 2008
links for 2008-02-07
Virgin Media High Definition Blog about HD broadcasts on Virgin Media. (tags: virginmedia hdtv blog) List of channels on Virgin TV – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Usually more up to date than VM’s own web site. (tags: virginmedia tv wikipedia)
Derren Brown – The System
Last weekend, Derren Brown presented another of his occasional television specials. In this one he told us that he had invented a fool-proof system for predicting the winners of horse races. To demonstrate this system he introduced us to Khadisha who had received anonymous five winning tips from Derren. On the basis of these previous… Continue reading Derren Brown – The System
Sun RSS Fixed
It finally looks like The Sun have finally fixed their RSS feeds. It’s only three months since I first noticed the problem. In that time I’ve emailed them a number of times on the subject. They haven’t bothered to reply to my mail, so I don’t know if they even read them, or if someone… Continue reading Sun RSS Fixed