‘Fleabytes’ by Paula Kirby – RichardDawkins.net Excellent atheist review of four of the christian books published in response to “The God Delusion”. (tags: dawkins thegoddelusion atheism religion toread)
Translating from Russian
A few day ago, I noticed this Russian blog entry which used one of my photos of Montserrat. When adding the link to Delicious I commented that it would be good if could read Russian so that I understood what was being said. (Another) Dave reminded me that Google has a translation service which claims… Continue reading Translating from Russian
You don’t have to be stupid to work for Radio 1. But it often helps. Someone called Dom, writes on the Chris Moyles show blog: Now then – the BBC has its own in-house magazine called Ariel. This name is very clever as it can relate to a TV ariel or a radio ariel. Two… Continue reading Ariel
links for 2008-02-19
31 Days to Building a Better Blog Interesting tips on improving your blog. (tags: blogging advice howto tips)
Recording TV Revisited
It’s over two years since I wrote my piece on ways to record TV programmes. Quite a lot has changed in those two years, so I thought it was worth writing an update. The biggest change for me is that at home we’ve dragged ourselves into the 21st century and have stopped recording programmes on… Continue reading Recording TV Revisited
links for 2008-02-18
Город после извержения вулкана — постъядерный мир, катаклизмы, города-призраки, зомби на deadland.ru Wish I spoke Russian. This seems to be an article about Montserrat (or, at least, its capital Plymouth). It links to one of the photos I took at Christmas 2006. (tags: usingmyphotos montserrat plymouth photos) RNLI: Clacton-on-Sea History A history of the Clacton-on-Sea… Continue reading links for 2008-02-18
links for 2008-02-16
Max, 19, hits the road | Travelog | Guardian Unlimited Guardian gives blog space to Guardian travel writer’s son as he travels for his gap year. Guardian readers supremely unimpressed. (tags: guardian blog travel nepotism media journalism)
links for 2008-02-15
‘I will give £36 to a fund to hire the services of an ex-cabinet minister’ – PledgeBank It seems that for £36,000, you can buy the services of an ex-cabinet minister like Jack Cunningham who will arrange meetings with the government for you. I call that a bargain. Justin is looking for 1000 people to… Continue reading links for 2008-02-15
Baby Bible Bashers
It’s difficult to think of last night’s Cutting Edge documentary, Baby Bible Bashers without getting very depressed. In it we met seven-year-old Samuel Boutell (see picture), nine-year-old Terry Durham and Ana Carolina Dias (who was, I think, about twelve). These three children firmly believe that it is their mission in life to fervently evangelise the… Continue reading Baby Bible Bashers
Flickr Stats
I’ve been playing with the new Flickr stats pages. I can’t give a link as each page can only be seen by the owner of the account, but your page will be at http://flickr.com/photos/<username>/stats. You need to visit that page initially to opt in to the service. It will then start crunching all your numbers… Continue reading Flickr Stats