The Doctor Who publicity machine is really firing up now. There’s a preview in the new Radio Times and a surprisingly long piece in today’s Guardian. The corporation is planning a marketing blitz as it seeks to create a buzz around next month’s launch of the second series of the family drama since it was… Continue reading Doctor Who Approaches (2)
Author: Dave Cross
The Home Secretary vs The Canon
The story of the Home Secretary vs the Canon rumbles on. And now it’s made its way into the mainstream media. Unfortunately most of it is hidden away behind the Independent‘s paywall, but Rachel has links to all the best bits.
Please Try To Understand
Here’s a good lesson to learn. If a geek is calmly trying to explain something to you, it’s generally a good idea to listen. Otherwise you run the risk of making a complete fool of yourself. Jerry Taylor is the City Manager of Tuttle, Oklahoma. Last week the company who hosts Tuttle’s web site had… Continue reading Please Try To Understand
Doctor Who Approaches
It looks like the new series of Doctor Who is getting closer, with a number of repeats looming on both BBC Three and UKTV Gold. BBC Three is showing all of The Green Death two episodes a night from Monday 3rd April. Once that has finished, they’re showing last year’s series starting on Thursday 6th… Continue reading Doctor Who Approaches
Shaking Up Tech Publishing
There’s an interesting discussion over on David Heinemeier Hansson’s blog about how the technical publishing industry could change in order to give better deal to technical authors. It’s particularly notable for the contributions from Tim O’Reilly and Gary Cornell (the publisher at Apress). One point that interested me was DHH’s assertion that all books are… Continue reading Shaking Up Tech Publishing
Shoe Shops
I hate shopping for shoes. I particularly hate the sixteen year old sales assistants that you get in most shoe shops who seem far more interested in flirting with themselves than actually serving customers. The whole process is made even more stressful by the fact that my feet are quite big[1] which tends to limit… Continue reading Shoe Shops
What’s Wrong With ORM
Last night I gave a talk to the London Perl Mongers about “What’s Wrong With ORM”. It was a first draft of a talk that I hope to be giving a few times this year. There’s also an article in preparation (well, I say “in preparation” but I actually mean “slowly coalescing in my brain”).… Continue reading What’s Wrong With ORM
Express on the Budget
This pretty much sums up the difference in opinions between sane people and the people who read papers like the Express and the Mail. Express readers would rather have more money in their pocket than having it wasted on things like education and healthcare. Oh, and by the way. Where can you buy nuclear weapons… Continue reading Express on the Budget
Most Distrusted
American’s increasing acceptance of religious diversity doesn’t extend to those who don’t believe in a god, according to a national survey by researchers in the University of Minnesota’s department of sociology. From a telephone sampling of more than 2,000 households, university researchers found that Americans rate atheists below Muslims, recent immigrants, gays and lesbians and… Continue reading Most Distrusted
V For Vendetta
So I should write something about V For Vendetta, if only to say how much I disagree with Peter Bradshaw’s review. The graphic novel that the film is based on is one of my favourites, so I’m probably a bit biased and you should bear that in mind when reading my comments. Having said that,… Continue reading V For Vendetta