This is important stuff
Author: Dave Cross
Balham Blogs
Been I while since I did anything really geeky in my spare time so this weekend (whilst watching the UKTV repeats of last year’s Doctor Who) I went back to a project that I was thinking about a few months ago. I’ve built Balham Blogs. It’s a site that aggregates RSS feeds that have some… Continue reading Balham Blogs
New Job New Firewall New Browser
The new job is working back in an investment bank for the first time for several years. It’s going to take some getting used to. Everything about the technical environment is completely tied down. There’s a very scary firewall between me and the outside world. And my workstation is completely locked down. Currently I can’t… Continue reading New Job New Firewall New Browser
New Job New Location
I’ve been a bit quiet over the last week. That’s because I’m working for a new client and I’m just finding my feet. A new job, of course, means a new location. I’m working on Golden Lane which is just to the north of the Barbican. In this case it’s not exactly a new location… Continue reading New Job New Location
Rachel Meets the Home Secretary
Rachel has written an account of her meeting with Charles Clarke. Sounds like it was pretty productive all in all.
Tube Delays
This morning the BBC news warned me that my part of the Northern Line was suspended because of “overrunning engineering work.” However, it seems that “overrunning engineering work” was a bit of a euphemism. I subscribe to a tube alert SMS service and the message I got from that was a little more honest. SEVERE… Continue reading Tube Delays
Of course we all know that PledgeBank is a wonderful thing. But now it seems that even Tony Blair is getting involved.
Don’t Vote Labour
Backing Blair are back on the warpath, encouraging people to not vote Labour in the local elections. There’s a catchy song too.
Feminism and Islam
Today’s Guardian has an article about Phyllis Chesler, an American feminist writer who believes that by turning a blind eye to what goes on in Islam, the feminist movement is betraying Muslim women. Western feminism’s failure to confront the problems raised by Islam, Chesler believes, is a result of the creation of a hierarchy of… Continue reading Feminism and Islam
Why I Don’t Use Word
Following on from Monday’s post, I thought it might be interesting to go into a bit more detail about why I won’t ever use Microsoft Word (or, indeed, any word processor) unless I have to. I have three reasons – one is personal experience, one is technical and the third is largely philosophical. Firstly, the… Continue reading Why I Don’t Use Word