I’ve made some pretty sweeping changes to the BBC streams page. Some of the Real Player links are now gone and there are now links to play everything in the BBC Radio Player application. You’ll notice that there are still some links to Real streams on my page. These mainly point to talk shows where… Continue reading BBC Streams
Author: Dave Cross
Flickr Pro
I have a Flickr Pro account to give away by the end of today. If you’re interested then drop me an email. Be a shame to let it go to waste. Update: It’s gone now.
Broken Email
At the same time as I moved my mail handling to a different server, I also made a tiny tweak to my procmail settings. Can’t remember now why I did it, or what I thought it was going to achieve. What it did achieve was to get procmail to throw away random pieces of email.… Continue reading Broken Email
BBC on Fox
Roger Mosey, head of BBC Television News, says what he really thinks about Fox. Finally, we are never immune from accusations of bias. It goes without saying that there is nothing more sensitive than matters of life and death, and the BBC’s audience response has been massively supportive and understanding about the dilemmas we face… Continue reading BBC on Fox
Credit Card Theft
Yesterday I got a call from my credit card company saying that they had seen some unusual activity on my card. It seems that some has been buying a lot of 3 phone credit with my card. They also bought a National Express coach ticket and had a bit of a field day in Argos.… Continue reading Credit Card Theft
Configuring Spamassassin
I moved my email handling to a new server a month or so ago and since them I’ve noticed a larger than usual amount of spam getting into my inbox rather than being caught by Spamassassin. Today I decided that enough was enough and that I’d investigate further. My first theory was that in moving… Continue reading Configuring Spamassassin
Agents Can’t Read
Not that anyone is going to be surprised by this, but it seems that a number of recruitment agents have problems with basic reading skills. This morning I got three emails from agents containing details of potential jobs. In two of the three cases they were actually quite good matches for my skills. But, of… Continue reading Agents Can’t Read
Blogging the Bombs
It’s a couple of days on, so let’s step back and take a look at what happened on Thursday. I’m still trying to articulate exactly how I feel about it all so let’s leave that for another post and instead look at more practical matters. Basically, it seems to me that Thursday 7th July 2005… Continue reading Blogging the Bombs
Firefox Tip
A little Firefox tip that I just discovered. It makes it far easier to use web search interfaces. Let’s take for example the TV programme search box on the Radio Times web site. It’s nn the left hand side of the page – a little text box labelled “search tv”. Now the usual way to… Continue reading Firefox Tip
Quiet Day
So it seems that after the excitement of the last couple of days, London has decided that it deserves a bit of a lie down and has taken the day off. I estimate that the tubes had about a third of the normal numbers of people on them. I had the best journey in that… Continue reading Quiet Day