Blogging Nonsense

One of the joys of MPs having blogs is that you often get to see what they are really like without their utterances going through the filter of the party spin machine. And it’s amazing how often so many of them make complete fools of themselves. Today’s example is Nadine Dorries. Of course as a… Continue reading Blogging Nonsense

Nadine Dorries is Confused Again

You have to feel sorry for the electorate in Mid Bedfordshire. When they elected Nadine Dorries in 2005, I’m sure they couldn’t have know what a huge mistake they had made. You might recall how she accused Ben Goldacre of publishing parliamentary secrets. When Goldacre pointed out that the facts he had published were in… Continue reading Nadine Dorries is Confused Again

Nadine Dorries’ “Blog”

Nadine Dorries is the MP for Mid Bedfordshire. On her web site she has something that she calls a blog, although it only really resembles one superficially. Up until a couple of days ago, the biggest problem with it was that it didn’t allow linking to a particular entry, you could only link to a… Continue reading Nadine Dorries’ “Blog”

More On Stewart Dimmock

Yesterday’s Observer has a piece about Stewart Dimmock the lorry driver and school governor who campaigned against Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth being shown to British schoolchildren. Dimmock’s campaign has largely been portrayed as a “David and Goliath” fight, with Dimmock as the underdog, fighting a school system that is trying to indoctrinate his… Continue reading More On Stewart Dimmock

Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Al Gore and the UN’s IPCC have won the Nobel Peace Prize. I’m not entirely sure what climate change has to do with peace, but it’s nice to see his work honoured. What isn’t so nice (but isn’t at all unexpected) is the stupidity being demonstrated in the BBC Have Your Say on the subject.… Continue reading Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Constitutional Misunderstandings

This is the third time I can remember a Prime Minister handing over power to a successor from the same party without a general election. Wilson handed over to Callaghan in 1976 and Thatcher handed over (albeit unwillingly) to Major in 1990. Every time this happens the same constitutional misunderstandings are heard. People start insisting… Continue reading Constitutional Misunderstandings

Early Day Motion on Creationism in UK Schools

Following on from yesterday’s piece about “Truth” In Science trying to get their crackpot creationist theories taught in British schools, I see that MP Graham Stringer has tabled an Early Day Motion on this issue. You might consider popping over to WriteToThem and asking your MP to sign this EDM.

Speak Your Brains

Following on from the release of the Stern report, the BBC are running a “Speak Your Brains” discussion on climate change. It makes very depressing reading. The majority of correspondents either deny that climate change is a problem or object to the government’s green tax proposals. I’m fast coming to the conclusion that the Earth… Continue reading Speak Your Brains

Gulf Stream Worries

You’ll often hear people complaining about how cold the UK is. What the complainers don’t seem to realise is that considering how far north we are, the climate in the UK is actually far warmer than it really should be. The reason for this warmer climate is the Gulf Stream (or, more accurately, its northern… Continue reading Gulf Stream Worries