Vanity Fair Can Get You Arrested

An interesting article in today’s Independent (read it quickly before the paywall drops into place) about the gradual erosion of civil liberties by Blair’s government. In another example of the Government’s draconian stance on political protest, Steven Jago, 36, a management accountant, yesterday became the latest person to be charged under the Serious Organised Crime… Continue reading Vanity Fair Can Get You Arrested

Categorised as politics

Old Git

My stepdaughter’s boyfriend is in a band called Toybox (they’re on My Space too). They’re playing a gig in London on Saturday and somehow we’ve been roped in to going along and giving support. On one hand, I’m quite looking forward to it. It’s been far too long since I saw any live music. But… Continue reading Old Git

Categorised as music


To celebrate the Summer Solstice here’s a link to Stonehenge on Google Maps. Note that Google have their own idea of where Stonehenge is and seem to have missed the large stone circle a small distance to the east.

Categorised as life