A few days ago I wrote something asking how George Bush and Tony Blair could reconcile going to war against Iraq with their christian beliefs. On Sunday, the Independent on Sunday asked similar (but more polite) questions to Tony Blair. his answers are interesting, but (to my mind) ultimately unconvincing.
Dinner last night was a trip to one of my favourite London restaurants – the Sugar Club. It’s been a couple of years since I could afford to go there so it was a nice treat. The food was as good as it ever was (particularly the tandoori rabbit that I had for a starter… Continue reading Yum!
40-something is the new 30-something
The Guardian had an article today about how the media seems to to be full of people writing about the angst of becoming 40. Apparently there are more TV shows about the subject in the pipeline. Is the media controled by people the same age as me? They also had a section on 40 things… Continue reading 40-something is the new 30-something
Buffy Leaves Buffy
Sarah Michelle Geller has confirmed that she it leaving Buffy The Vampire Slayer in an interview in the March 7th issue of Entertainment Weekly. Still no firm news on the future of the series, tho’ rumours that Faith (the other vampire slayer played by Eliza Dushka) will become the main character in the series are… Continue reading Buffy Leaves Buffy
If not war, then what?
The Guardian asked a number of well-known “doves” what their alternative would be to war. Their replies make interesting reading. The consensus seems to be that there’s still no good reason to do anything and that the onus should be on the “hawks” to say why we need to do something. I was particularly impressed… Continue reading If not war, then what?
Jumping the Gun
The war hasn’t even started yet, but already the US are crashing helicopters over Kuwait.
Who Are You?
I was trying to write a brief bio for my account on LiveJournal. I’m was rather disappointed that it reads a lot like a (abbreviated) CV. I seem to define myself by the institutions (schools, colleges, jobs) that I go to rather than by anything else in my life. This disturbs me. I need to… Continue reading Who Are You?
Missing The Joke
It seems that the US has completely failed to see the joke of Ali G.
Old Friends
I have a group of four friends who I went to school with. Two of them I knew at infant school (that’s thirty-five years ago) and the other two I met at secondary school. This week the second of us made it to 40 (I was the first), so we all trundled off into deepest… Continue reading Old Friends
Be Prepared
Which version of ready.gov makes the most sense? The real one or this one. And, for comparison, here’s the old UK government pamphlet Protect and Survive.