Creationist Lobbying

Tom Watson reports that he has been sent a DVD by a group of creationist nutters (that’s probably a tautology isn’t it?) which he assumes has been sent to all MPs. Apparently it’s sent from the people at and the covering letter includes the following: I have yet to find any credible examples of… Continue reading Creationist Lobbying

Creationist Museum

Oh, and whilst we’re talking about creationist loonies, the Guardian has a report from the Creation Museum which will open next year in Kentucky. The Creation Museum – motto: “Prepare to Believe!” – will be the first institution in the world whose contents, with the exception of a few turtles swimming in an artificial pond,… Continue reading Creationist Museum

Subverting Language

This idea of calling “faith” schools, superstition schools is a really good one. And you can take it further and substitute “superstition” for many other uses of the word “faith. For example, I just read a news report that mentioned David Kuo who is apparently the “Deputy Director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community… Continue reading Subverting Language

Categorised as religion

Ted Haggard

If you watched Richard Dawkins’ documentary The Root of All Evil? earlier this year, you will remember Ted Haggard. He’s the sickeningly smarmy evangelical priest who threw Dawkins out of his church for calling his congregation animals (when actually all Dawkins had done was to tell him that evolution was true). Well, it seems that… Continue reading Ted Haggard

Categorised as religion

Daily Mail Outrage

I do love a nice bit of Daily Mail outrage. And this one is too good to miss. They’ve got all over-excited about Monday’s episode of Spooks which featured a group of christian extremists who were killing muslims. Given the number of episodes where MI5 have been foiling Muslim plots, this one seemed to be… Continue reading Daily Mail Outrage

Superstition Schools

Muriel Gray talks a lot of sense on “faith” schools. Let’s stop describing these tax-funded establishments as faith schools. They are superstition schools, for that is what they teach. Alongside hard facts, innocent children are hoodwinked into accepting as real the mythology of virgin births, gods who regard women with bare heads as wicked harlots,… Continue reading Superstition Schools

Categorised as religion