My new Nokia N91 arrived on the same day as my new laptop so I’ve been playing with it for a few days. Here are some first impressions. It’s a large phone. Far heavier than the k600i that it’s replacing. But then, it does more so that’s probably to be expected. As a phone, it… Continue reading New Toys – Phone
Author: Dave Cross
New Toys – Laptop
I’ve now had the Philips X51 for a few days now, so it’s time for an update. It’s a nice little laptop. About the same size as my previous one. Perhaps a bit larger and certainly a bit heavier, but that’s because it doesn’t come with a basestation so the CD/DVD drive is included in… Continue reading New Toys – Laptop
More on the Chameleon
Last week I got an email from the Labour Party proudly telling me about their new “Dave the Chameleon” campaign. I had seen the web site earlier in the day and, like any sane person, I had been appalled by what I saw. So I sent the following email in back to the Party: I’ve… Continue reading More on the Chameleon
London Javascript Night
Those nice people at are once more looking beyond Perl to present an evening of talks about Javascript on May 25th. It’s currently planned to take place at the Fotango offices, but if it’s as popular as last year’s web frameworks night I can see it having a couple of changes of venue. If… Continue reading London Javascript Night
Linux: A European Threat to Our Computers
The scary thing[1] about the Religious Right is the fact that they are so completely mad that it’s impossible to tell their real beliefs from parodies of them. Take this for example. I honestly can’t tell it it’s real or if it’s a really well-done pisstake. Like most things that are worth owning, Computers are… Continue reading Linux: A European Threat to Our Computers
BBC Programme Catalogue
From the Guardian Ashley Highfield, the BBC director of new media and technology, also announced proposals to put the corporation’s entire programme catalogue online for the first time from tomorrow in written archive form, as an “experimental prototype” This is the cool Ruby on Rails project that Matt Biddulph was working on last year. More… Continue reading BBC Programme Catalogue
Nokia N91
I’ve just been phoned by someone at the Nokia Club[1] offering me a chance to test drive a Nokia N91. I get three weeks to try the phone and fill in a questionnaire and then I get to keep the phone. I said yes please. Should arrive in a couple of days. Anyone got any… Continue reading Nokia N91
Chameleons, Elephants and Liars
It’s been a while since I wrote about politics. There’s been so much going on that it’s been difficult to choose what to talk about. So let’s ignore most of April and instead concentrate on the last week when we can watch the Labour Party spiralling out of control as it desperately tries to win… Continue reading Chameleons, Elephants and Liars
No Hawkers No Circulars
The amount of junk mail and leaflets we get through our door is ridiculous. We often get five or six separate people pushing unwanted leaflets through our letterbox each day. I can tell that I’m not the only person on the road who is getting annoyed by this. A few houses have recently put signs… Continue reading No Hawkers No Circulars
The Sun Does RSS
I’ve just noticed that The Sun has started providing RSS feeds. So now it’s possible to get even more racist, sexist and homophobic bile delivered direct to your RSS reader. Interesting to read how they try to explain the concept of RSS in words of one syllable for the benefit of their readers. I’l get… Continue reading The Sun Does RSS