The September that Never Ended is finally ending.
Author: Dave Cross
Vernon God Little by DB Pierre
Amazon link This is book seven in my attempt to read fifty books in 2005. Another Booker Prize winner and another book I really didn’t enjoy. But whilst I can understand why people like the Rushdie, I can’t see any redeeming qualities in this book at all. The plot is predictable and the characters are… Continue reading Vernon God Little by DB Pierre
Updated Radio Streams
I finally got most of the work done on the new version of get_streams my program that extracts the addresses of the Real Audio streams from the BBC Radio web site and then builds this page of links. The BBC changed their site a couple of weeks ago so I needed to update the program… Continue reading Updated Radio Streams
Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
Amazon link This is book six in my attempt to read fifty books in 2005. Rushdie is one of those authors who I really want to like. Many people think he is one of the most important writers of the late 20th century. Like many people, the first of his books that I attempted was… Continue reading Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
Gmail Coming Out of Beta
It seems that just about every Gmail user that I know (including myself) has logged on this morning to find they have 50 invitations to give away. This has been interpreted as an indication that Gmail is about to come out of beta testing.
Malcolm Hardee
I don’t expect this to get much national news coverage, but comedian Malcolm Hardee has died (in slightly strange and very hardee-esque circumstances). I spent a lot of the 90s hanging around the periphery of the London comedy circuit. I never knew Malcolm but I knew many people who did. A lot off people who… Continue reading Malcolm Hardee
Where are all the Webmasters?
I mentioned in passing a couple of days ago that the Times web site didn’t have a valid webmaster email address, but actually it seems that this problem is far more widespread. A number of companies, it seems, would rather you didn’t have a simple way to contact their webmaster. Another one that came to… Continue reading Where are all the Webmasters?
Project Martin
If Ben can have his top sekrit Project Marilyn then I can have my Project Martin. Tim says that it’s too late for MPs to get on the blogging bandwagon before the General Election, so I hope I’m not too late to introduce the Unofficial Martin Linton Weblog. (This is, of course, why the radio… Continue reading Project Martin
Kilroy-Silk will surely go down in history as the person who single-handedly destroyed British Euro-sceptics chances of being taken seriously. It almost makes me like him. I said “almost”. Update: It seems that Kilroy-Silk’s new party doesn’t have a web site (or, at least, not one that Google knows about) so I’m happy to join… Continue reading Euro-Sceptics
Site Navigation Toolbar
This is a circuitous tale, but stick with it – it gets interesting towards the end. I noticed that I hadn’t seen any new entries from DJ’s blog on Bloglines for a while so I investigated and found that the feed I was subscribed to was dead. Another bit of poking around and I found… Continue reading Site Navigation Toolbar