If Ben can have his top sekrit Project Marilyn then I can have my Project Martin.
Tim says that it’s too late for MPs to get on the blogging bandwagon before the General Election, so I hope I’m not too late to introduce the Unofficial Martin Linton Weblog.
(This is, of course, why the radio streams page isn’t fixed yet – sorry about that.)
Oh, unoffical weblogs are fine… so long as you plan to keep monitoring after the election.:o)
Although, as you’ve named the site ‘battersea mp’, it won’t really refer to Mr Linton during the election, as he will lose this title once such a thing is announced.
No, I understand that. During the election campaign I intend to cover all of the candidates. And then after the election I’ll continue covering whoever is the MP then.I was planning for longitivity :)
Good man.Do remember to scan and publish any campaign material that you find questionable. There are a lot of people who would prefer that the claims and promises made during an election are quickly forgotten.
You might want to fix the link to this site in the about me entry. It’s currently pointing at http://blog.dave.org/uk.