It’s good to see something like this every once in a while. It’s easy to sit there in a little geek cocoon and assume that everyone out there on the interweb is using all the same time-saving tools as you are. But as this article from The Register shows, that’s often not the case. It… Continue reading Public Unaware of RSS
Author: Dave Cross
American Dates
Why are American companies so determined to confuse the rest of the world with their illogical way of writing dates? Yesterday I got an email from reminding me that one of my domains needed to be renewed. They said that the current registration expired on “12/07/2005”. “Bloody hell,” I thought, “that’s over a month… Continue reading American Dates
New Phone
My Orange contract expired last week so I was in the market for a new phone. I had my eye on a Nokia 6630 as the Orange web site said that I could get one for £30. But when I called Orange to arrange it thy said that it would actually cost me £150. This… Continue reading New Phone
A Levels
So my stepdaughter was just about to leave the house to go up to college to pick up her A level results when the post arrived. And it included a letter for her from UCAS. It contains confirmation of her university place. Which rather spoils the surprise of going off to college and picking up… Continue reading A Levels
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory yesterday. In general it’s a decent version of the story. But let’s not forget that it’s a children’s book so the plot isn’t exactly complex :) However, there was one thing that really annoyed me about it. And that was the blatant Americanisation of the dialogue. The book… Continue reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Please Forget Me
The previous entry about Rojo (and, in particular, Aristole’s comment) reminds me of big complaint that I have about pretty much all web sites – which is that they like to make it incredibly difficult to close your account with them. Oh, I understand completely why that is. If you’ve registered with a web site… Continue reading Please Forget Me – How Not To Send Email
Rojo is an RSS reader. I tried it out for a week or so last year, but soon decided that I still prefered Bloglines and forgot about Rojo. That is, I forgot about them until a couple of weeks ago. Then I got an email from them. They had decided that they would start to… Continue reading – How Not To Send Email
Political Weblogs
Tim Ireland launches the Political Weblog Project where he aims to get as many elected representatives as possible using weblogs to encourage two-way communication with the people they represent. I think this is a great idea. And not just because he has nice things to say about my own political weblog.
Dell Again
The new Dell computer I recently ordered has been shipped. I predict a weekend of Linux installation. And remember my complaints about their customer service and how I didn’t get the free delivery I thought I was entitled to? Well that’s all been sorted out and they’re refunding the money.
Warming hits ‘tipping point’
This could get serious. A vast expanse of western Siberia is undergoing an unprecedented thaw that could dramatically increase the rate of global warming, climate scientists warn today. Researchers who have recently returned from the region found that an area of permafrost spanning a million square kilometres – the size of France and Germany combined… Continue reading Warming hits ‘tipping point’