Musical Parody

I like a good musical parody. Note the word “good” in there. I’m not talking about the Barron Knights here[1], but I enjoy listening to The King covering Nirvana in the style of Elvis Presley or Frank Bennett covering Radiohead’s “Creep”. So there’s one level on which I should have enjoyed the busker in Tottenham… Continue reading Musical Parody

Categorised as music

Imagine There’s No “Imagine”

Tomorrow is the twenty-fifth anniversary of John Lennon’s death. To celebrate… er… no… to commemorate that fact the BBC is running a vote to find the greatest Lennon song. We’ll skim quickly over the fact that the selection of songs to choose from is pretty bizarre (only one Beatles song!) and leap straight to the… Continue reading Imagine There’s No “Imagine”

Categorised as music