Maggie and Me

I was sorry to read that Maggie Thatcher had spent the night in hospital. To clarify, what I mean is that I was sorry to read that scarce medical resources had been wasted on that nasty old witch.

Oh, I know it’s fashionable these days to grudgingly admit that “she was actually pretty good” or to see her as nothing more than an increasingly mad embarassment to the Tory party. But I can’t do that. I was seventeen when she became PM and the first ten years of my active political life were spent campaigning against her and her policies. The UK is still recovering from the damage that she did in the 80s. She will always be the one politician who I can’t have a reasonable conversation about. The very thought of her starts me foaming at the mouth.

She’s the person I always think of when I hear the final verse of Bob Dylan’s “Masters of War”.

And I hope that you die, and your death will come soon
I’ll follow your casket in the pale afternoon
I’ll watch as you’re lowered down to your death bed
And I’ll stand by your grave ’til I’m sure you are dead.


  1. This’ll surprise you coming from me – I am grateful to the evil old bitch for forcing the unions to return to their democratic roots, giving us union members back our voices.

  2. I viewed the Thatcher years from Japan, seeking my fortune in the colonies. And she almost made me proud to be British, but then I hadn’t flashed to how much the government and media lie. Back in Japan as a borderline political refugee for the Blair years (having made my fortune in the colonies), and I have to say if Blair isn’t replaced as PM soon I’ll be practising my NZ accent. Starting shortly before the London Underground bombings, I fall asleep nightly wishing misfortune to Tony Blair. Seems to be working. “You can’t go to jail for what you’re thinking.” Hey, that really dates me.

  3. I agree with Dave 100% on this one. I was in my 20s when she wrought her ‘solution’ and have seen many good high technology companies die as a result of the ‘hidden hand’ of market forces. And it looks like Tony Blair is Thatchers heir for sure. Like the other poster’s daughter, I am beginning to hate TB just as much for his free market philosophy solves all…..well philosophy I guess.

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