Those excellent people from Stand are at it again. This time they are asking people to register their feelings about the proposed introduction of ID cards in the UK. The government are currently undergoing a period of public consultation on this matter and they claim that the responses they’ve been getting have all been very… Continue reading ID Cards
Tag: politics
New Years Honours
The Queen’s New Years Honour list has been announced. Of course like any right-minded person I have no time for a system of rewards that’s based on the patronage of an unelected head of state, but it’s interesting to see who has been found fit for the regal stamp of approval. In my opinion, the… Continue reading New Years Honours
The Vanishing Tories
The Guardian today has a front page with the headline Tories fall to lowest point for four years. They are saying that the Tory party’s popularity rating has fallen to 27% which is the lowest it’s been since 1998. Frankly I’m surprised it’s so high. The Tory party is falling apart. Since their defeat in… Continue reading The Vanishing Tories
Tony and Maggie
A report on the BBC site says that Maggie Thatcher has been praising Tony Blair again. When will he learn that being praised by the most evil person to ever sit in Parliament is a sure sign that you’re doing something fundamentally wrong.
Here’s the rest of your fur coat
I love the new PETA anti fur advert featuring Sophie Ellis Bextor.
HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux
It’s scary that in the 21st century we still need documents like this. But we do. So everyone should read it. HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux
Today is Remembrance Sunday in the UK. It’s always held on the nearest Sunday to November 11th. All of the royal family and the big name politicians get to lay wreaths at the cenotaph in front of representatives of the survivors from the two world wars. Of course, each year now, the numbers of survivors… Continue reading Poppies
I spent a large part of the 1980s on political demonstrations where the size of the crowd was consistently underestimated in the media. “The size of the crowd at the CND demonstration was estimated at 250,000 by the organisers – official police figures put the number at two dozen”. It’s therefore very tempting to see… Continue reading Crowds
The Countryside Alliance
In the UK we have an organisation called the Countryside Alliance. It’s a group of country-dwellers who want us townies to stay out of their lives and let them carry on living the way they have for thousands of years. Actually, it’s just a front for a bunch of murderous thugs whose idea of a… Continue reading The Countryside Alliance
A Modest Proposal
Imagine there are two land masses next to each other. One much larger than the other. We’ll call them Big and Small. Most of the people living in Small want Small to remain independent from Big. There is, however, a significant minority of Smallites who value links with Big so highly that they’d like Small… Continue reading A Modest Proposal