New Years Honours

The Queen’s New Years Honour list has been announced. Of course like any right-minded person I have no time for a system of rewards that’s based on the patronage of an unelected head of state, but it’s interesting to see who has been found fit for the regal stamp of approval.

In my opinion, the most interesting choice this year is the knighthood for Ridley Scott. As the director of Alien and Blade Runner he was responsible for two of my favourite films. They are both so good that I’m even prepared to forgive him for Gladiator.

And let’s not forget those Hovis ads.


  1. Unelected head of state or not, you should be proud of our country’s great royal family which is probably the most respected family in the world, and you should be grateful of all the hard work that they do for our country which for the most part goes unnoticed! The word ignorance springs to mind.

  2. James,Oh I’m well aware of all the work the royal parasites do for us. I really don’t think it goes unnoticed as there are sycophants like you banging on about it all the time. And yes they are probably very well respected by people who haven’t ever really considered the alternatives.I’m unclear what you think I might be ignorant of? Surely you can’t just automatically assume that because my views differ from yours that I’m not in possession of all the facts?

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