If you’ve travelled much on London Transport over the last few weeks, you’ll have seen the new Alpha Course poster pictured on the left. If you’re anything like me, you’ll have experienced an almost irresistible urge to fill in the survey by ticking the ‘no’ box. It appears that doing so might be a somewhat… Continue reading Does God Exist?
1970 Calling
Nadine Dorries seems to be writing her blog today from about forty years ago. She’s talking about single mothers. I like the idea that we can introduce a structure that will capture 16 and 17 year old girls and teach them parenting skills, help them to acquire the knowledge which will enable them to run… Continue reading 1970 Calling
Building Web Sites is Easy
The geek shall inherit the Earth. But the semi-geek won’t be far behind. Back in April I wrote a piece about MPs’ web sites. I came to the conclusion that a large number of MPs have web sites that are over-complex and therefore cost more money to build and maintain than they should have done.… Continue reading Building Web Sites is Easy
The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas
I’m usually a big fan of keeping christmas in December, but I’m quite happy to make exceptions for a good cause. And this is a really good cause. Remember, the Atheist Bus Campaign? Well the people behind that campaign haven’t stopped campaigning and their book The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas is published this week. Ariane… Continue reading The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas
SW12 Social Network
One of the themes I picked up on at this year’s Opentech conference was that of local social media. More and more people are using open source tools to build local online communities and this movement seems likely to grow. I was particularly impressed with the work that Will Perrin and friends are doing over… Continue reading SW12 Social Network
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, a new film about Charles Darwin has failed to find a distribution deal in the US. The article suggests that this is because Darwin’s work is still a rather contentious subject in the US. They quote the christian film review site MovieGuide describing Darwin as “a racist, a bigot… Continue reading Creation
Not A Broadcast Medium
How do you use Twitter? Do you see it as a tool for interacting with people, or do you simply use it as a broadcast medium? Is it a place for dialogue or monologue? I started thinking about this over the weekend whilst thinking about Nadine Dorries, the MP for Middle England. Back in May,… Continue reading Not A Broadcast Medium
Misunderstanding Time Travel
I promise I’ll get round to a longer blog entry over the weekend, but I couldn’t resist commenting briefly on this paragraph from Peter Bradshaw’s review of The Time Traveler’s Wife. It is very silly and of course cannot submit to close inspection. Making brief visits to an unalterable past is one thing, but how… Continue reading Misunderstanding Time Travel
Not Dead
I know it’s been very quiet round here, but I’m still here. I’ve just been off on holiday for a couple of weeks. I was cruising around the Baltic. There will be stories and photos arriving soon. I just need a couple of days to get a bit more organised.
Support From The Internet
I’m currently in Lisbon for YAPC Europe. I very nearly didn’t make it. I flew out on Friday and on Friday morning, about three hours before I was supposed to leave the house, I discovered that my passport was missing. I realise, of course, that looking for your passport on the day that you are… Continue reading Support From The Internet