Damned If You Do…

The story so far: The people behind the films based on His Dark Materials decided to remove any direct references to god in order to avoid offending religious people. However, the Catholic League decided that the cuts weren’t deep enough and called for a boycott of the film. Now we get this: Christian groups such… Continue reading Damned If You Do…

Catholic Call to Boycott “Golden Compass”

In December 2004 I bemoaned the fact that god was to be cut from the film versions of His Dark Materials. The first film will be released in a couple of months’ time and I see (via MediaWatchWatch) that the cuts from The Golden Compass aren’t deep enough the satisfy the Catholic League who have… Continue reading Catholic Call to Boycott “Golden Compass”


A couple of nights ago I watched Starter For 10 (entertaining enough, great 80s soundtrack, rather predictable plot). There was one actress in particular who I knew that I recognised, but I really couldn’t place her. I have that kind of mind. I know when I’ve seen someone before, but it can often take a… Continue reading Recognition

Jesus Camp

I watched Jesus Camp yesterday. What a frightening film that is. It’s like watching child abuse. No, I take that back. It is watching child abuse. You should all watch it. It will open your eyes to some of the atrocities carried out by the evangelical christians in the US.

Warning: Contains Language

Warning: Contains Mild Language UK film classifications have been getting silly over the last couple of years – ever since someone decided that the standard set of certificates didn’t contain enough information. So now, next to the actual certificates, posters will often have further descriptions of the content like “contains fantasy violence” or “contains one… Continue reading Warning: Contains Language