A report on the BBC site says that Maggie Thatcher has been praising Tony Blair again. When will he learn that being praised by the most evil person to ever sit in Parliament is a sure sign that you’re doing something fundamentally wrong.
Tubular Bells
Whilst I was in HMV yesterday, for some reason I noticed the Mike Oldfield section. It’s frightening that Oldfield is still pumping out the same music that he’s been producing for thirty-odd years but that doesn’t detract anything from the genius of Tubular Bells. This reminded me that it had been far too long since… Continue reading Tubular Bells
Pubs and Sports
I generally try to avoid being in pubs when sports are being shown, but this weekend I accidently found myself in a couple of pubs when there was some live sports event on a large TV screen. It was bizarre – and more than a little scary. Why do they shout at the screen like… Continue reading Pubs and Sports
Here’s the rest of your fur coat
I love the new PETA anti fur advert featuring Sophie Ellis Bextor.
HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux
It’s scary that in the 21st century we still need documents like this. But we do. So everyone should read it. HOWTO Encourage Women in Linux
Signing On
Been a long while since I signed on (there was a four week period after my degree finished and before my first job) so I thought it would be interesting to see if I could get any money out of the government whilst I’m unemployed. So on Friday I wandered down to the local Job… Continue reading Signing On
Today is Remembrance Sunday in the UK. It’s always held on the nearest Sunday to November 11th. All of the royal family and the big name politicians get to lay wreaths at the cenotaph in front of representatives of the survivors from the two world wars. Of course, each year now, the numbers of survivors… Continue reading Poppies
When I got back from holiday last week, I was told by my employers that due to cash-flow problems they weren’t able to pay any of the staff October’s salary. Like good little employees we all signed a form saying that we didn’t mind if they deferred our salary until more money came in. Then… Continue reading Redundancy
Some Films
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve spent 20 or so hours on planes. A lot of that time was spent watching films. Here are some comments on the ones I watched: Minority Report It’s based on a Philip K Dick story so it gets a pretty good head start. I really enjoyed this –… Continue reading Some Films
Just upgraded the site to run on Moveable Type 2.5. It looks very nice :)